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Comment: [Guava EventBus] Added DeadEvent considerations section


Code Block
SimpleRegistry registry = new SimpleRegistry();
EventBus eventBus = new EventBus();
registry.put("busName", eventBus);
CamelContext camel = new DefaultCamelContext(registry);


ProducerTemplate producerTemplate = camel.createProducerTemplate();
producer.sendBody("direct:start", "Send me to the Guava EventBus.");

eventBus.register(new Object(){
  public void messageHander(String message) {
    System.out.println("Message received from the Camel: " + message);

DeadEvent considerations

Keep in mind that due to the limitations caused by the design of the Guava EventBus, you cannot specify event class to be received by the listener without creating class annotated with @Subscribe method. This limitation implies that endpoint with eventClass option specified actually listens to all possible events (java.lang.Object) and filter appropriate messages programmatically at runtime. The snipped below demonstrates an appropriate excerpt from the Camel code base.

Code Block

public void eventReceived(Object event) {
  if (eventClass == null || eventClass.isAssignableFrom(event.getClass())) {

This drawback of this approach is that EventBus instance used by Camel will never generate notifications. If you want Camel to listen only to the precisely specified event (and therefore enable DeadEvent support), use listenerInterface endpoint option. Camel will create dynamic proxy over the interface you specify with the latter option and listen only to messages specified by the interface handler methods. The example of the listener interface with single method handling only SpecificEvent instances is demonstrated below.

Code Block

package com.example;

public interface CustomListener {

  void eventReceived(SpecificEvent event);


The listener presented above could be used in the endpoint definition as follows.

Code Block
