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This is similar to what we saw in the former time bean example.
Finally there is the deployment descriptors for the EAR-file, that in this case also includes a database pool xml-file. The best thing to do is to start with the database pool. In Geronimo console there a link in the left navigation called "Database Pools". From there, click the link "Using the Geronimo database pool wizard". You will end upp here:

http://localhost:8080/console/portal/services/services_jdbc/_rp_services_jdbc_row1_col1_p1_adapterDisplayName/Image Added
services_jdbc_row1_col1_p1/_md_services_jdbc_row1_col1_p1/view Image Removed

Follow the wizard using the derby database click on the test button to see that it works, and then you click the button "Skip test and show plan". Then geronimo, this is very handy, show a compleat database pool xml file, and also instructions of how to use it under the section "Add to EAR"!
