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The build should FAIL if there are any non-compliant files that are not specifically excluded from the ASF license header requirement. You can optionally review the target/rat.txt file after the run completes. If the build passes, RAT is saying that we are compliant and this test passes.

Compile and Start Management Server

Note: If you're on Ubuntu and using the PPA:natecarlson/maven3 (viz. Installing tools above), you've to use mvn3 instead of mvn, so mvn3 -P deps

Code Block
mvn -P developer,systemvm clean install

Start CloudStack management server

Code Block

ant rdebugmvn -P developer -pl developer,tools/devcloud -Ddeploydb
mvn -pl :cloud-client-ui jetty:run

Configure CloudStack management server

  • Access web UI: http://localhost:8080/client
  • Login with admin/password
  • Choose "I have used cloudstack before, skip this guide"
  • Click "Infrastructure", click the "View All" button in the "Zones" display box, click "add zone"
  • Select "basic zone" during the add zone wizard.
  • Type name "test cloud", dns1 "", internal dns1 "", hypervisor "Xenserver", select "local storage enabled" (Say Yes if prompted to agree), then click next.
  • Skip "physical network setup" page
  • In "pod" page, type: pod name: 'test pod', reserved system gateway:, reserved system mask:, start reserved system ip:, end reserved system ip:
  • In "guest traffic" page, guest gateway:, netmask:, guest start ip:, guest end ip:
  • In "cluster" page, type cluster name: "test cluster"
  • In "host " page, host name:, user name: root, password: password
  • In "secondary storage" page, server:, path: /opt/storage/secondary
  • In "zone creation comple", select "yes" to enable zone.

Wait for secondary storage VM coming up.

Depending on your local system configuration, and available RAM / Disk IO / Net IO, this step will take varied amounts of time.  It's reasonable to expect 30 minutes (or more), but it could be less.

Once the management server starts on your local machine, execute the following commands to bring up a basic zone using the devcloud2 VM:

Code Block

mvn -P developer,systemvm clean install

Validate the UI

Access web UI: http://localhost:8080/client, and login with admin/password. You can tell if the SSVM has been started by navigating to the Infrastructure page, and clicking on System VMs.  There should be 2 listed, and their status needs to be displayed as "Started".

Add a new instance:

  • In the first step of "Add instance " wizard,  select select template,
  • In step 2, select "tiny Linux"
  • In step 3, select "tinyOffering"
  • In step 4, select "No thanks"
  • Skip step 5 and 6.
  • Launch VM
