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The file schema.xml, part of each specific Solr deployment, defines which metadata fields are stored in the Solr index, and can consequently be queried
and queried and retrieved by clients. Note that no metadata field can be ingested in Solr unless it is defined (explicitely or implicitely) in schema.xml.
Additionally Additionally, a specific requirement of the File Manager - Solr integration is that each metadata field included in schema.xml must be "stored" (i.e.
defined  defined with stored="true"), so that it can be retrieved and re-inserted during partial document updates.

Each project using a Solr File Manager is responsible for creating and deploying a schema.xml file that is consistent with its own algorithms
for algorithms for generating Solr documents from product metadata, and viceversa (as defined by the specific implementations of the ProductSerializer and
ProductDeserializer interfaces interface). An example schema.xml is provided as part of the File Manager distribution in the resourced resources/ sub-directory. This
schema This schema is compatible with the class DefaultProductSerializer (the default implementations DefaultProductSerializer and DefaultProductDeserializerimplementation of ProductSerializer), and contains the following defninitionsdefinitions:o

  • The field "id" is used as the unique Solr


  • document identifier (this is the Solr default).


  • Solr fields corresponding to the core CAS product attributes (id, name, type, references etc.) are explicitely defined, either as single or multi-valued fields.


  • All other incoming fields ending in '*Date' or '*Time' are stored as single-valued Solr fields of type "date" with the same name.


  • All other incoming metadata fields are stored as multi-valued Solr fields of type string with the same name.


  • All field values are copied into a catch-all field called 'text' to allow for free-text searching over the full profuct metadata.

Each project is free to use the default schema.xml provided as part of the File Manager distribution, or to change it in full or in part,
compatibly with the that project algorithm for creating and retrieving Solr records.