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The Apache OODT File Manager and Apache Solr are in many respects two complementary technologies
that technologies that can be combined to offer a very attractive solution for managing scientific data and metadata.
The  The File Manager is a service for archiving and retrieving data products (files and directories),
typically  typically used as part of a data distribution service or data processing pipeline.
Solr  Solr is a scalable, high performance search engine that provides a web based API on top of the underlying
Lucene underlying Lucene index. By deploying an OODT File Manager backed-up by a Solr metadata store,
a  a scientific project can leverage the product creation and ingestion functionality of the OODT framework,
together with the fast and powerful query capabilities offered by Solr.


When the File Manager is deployed with a Solr-based metadata catalog, the overall system architecture is composed of the following tiers:

File Manager clients send product archiving requests to the File Manager (typically running as a local service on default port 9000).
This communication is carried over HTTP through XML-RPC encoded request/response pairs.
As part of the archiving process, the File Manager transforms the available product metadata
(either generated on the client side and sent as part of the archiving request, or generated by metadata extractors on the server side)
into Solr documents, which are sent to the Solr server for indexing. The Solr server must be deployed as an external service, running
within Tomcat (default ports: 80 or 8080) or Jetty (default port: 8983), and configured with a metadata schema that defines
the project specific fields to be indexed. Product metadata can be queried either by the standard File Manager clients, but more efficiently by clients that interact directly with the Solr web services (as Solr is optimized for querying).
