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  • ''Attributes:'' order, description, timeout, async, ui, user defined


Wiki Markup
-- Used to define an advanced \[Before\]/\[After\] setup using an entire class allowing for increased reusability.  For more information see [Creating Rules|FlexUnit Creating Rules]
– Used to define an advanced Before/After setup using an entire class allowing for increased reusability. For more information see Creating Rules

  • ''Attributes:'' order


Wiki Markup
-- specifies that the class tagged is a Test Suite and will contain a list of public variables typed as the Test Cases or additional Test Suites you wish to run.  This tag is commonly paired with the \[RunWith\] tag to know what runner to use on the tests within this class.  (Note: The Suite tag by it self actually does nothing, and RunWith specified with the Suite runner is all you need to set to get a class to run as a suite.)  For more information about test suites see [Test Suite|FlexUnit Terminology#Test_Suite]
– specifies that the class tagged is a Test Suite and will contain a list of public variables typed as the Test Cases or additional Test Suites you wish to run. This tag is commonly paired with the RunWith tag to know what runner to use on the tests within this class. (Note: The Suite tag by it self actually does nothing, and RunWith specified with the Suite runner is all you need to set to get a class to run as a suite.) For more information about test suites see Test Suite

  • ''Attributes:'' order, description, user defined


  • ''Attributes:'' none, other than the fully qualified class name of the runner.


Wiki Markup
-- Can be used to ignore a specific \[Test\] or \[Theory\], the test will still be built, but will be skipped over when running all tests in the TestCase.  The test marked with this tag is still counted in the total tests count.  For more information about Ignore see [\[Ignore\]|FlexUnit Feature Overview#Ignore]
– Can be used to ignore a specific Test or Theory, the test will still be built, but will be skipped over when running all tests in the TestCase. The test marked with this tag is still counted in the total tests count. For more information about Ignore see [Ignore]

  • ''Attributes:'' description, user defined


– Is used to specify that a method in a TestCase is a method you want FlexUnit to test. There are additional attributes that can be added to this tag such as (async) which is needed if the test is using asyncronous events or (expects="flash.errors.IOError") which indicates that you expect the Test to throw an exception of the specified type and it should catch it. For more information see user defined metadata.

  • ''Attributes:'' expects, order, description, timeout, async, ui, user defined, dataProvider


Wiki Markup
-- Used on a public static variable or public static function to return testing data.  These are then used in conjunction with a Theory by running the Theory once for each item in that particular \[DataPoint\]'s range. If [DataPoints|FlexUnit DataPoint] is used, then the tag \[ArrayElementType\] must also be used to define the type of data the array contains. For more information see *Theories, Datapoints, and Assumptions*
– Used on a public static variable or public static function to return testing data. These are then used in conjunction with a Theory by running the Theory once for each item in that particular DataPoint's range. If DataPoints is used, then the tag ArrayElementType must also be used to define the type of data the array contains. For more information see Theories, Datapoints, and Assumptions

  • ''Attributes:'' description, user defined, loader


– Used to test a full range of expected results with the help of DataPoint objects or functions. The Theory should specify accepted arguments of types matching to your declared DataPoints. FlexUnit will run all the theories for all possible combinations of arguments with the Datapoint DataPoint objects that match argument types.
More info on Theories see Theories, Datapoints, and Assumptions
