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Wiki Markup
h2. ControlBus Component
*Available as of Camel 2.11*

The *controlbus:* component provides easy management of Camel applications based on the [Control Bus|ControlBus] EIP pattern.
For example, by sending a message to an [Endpoint] you can control the lifecycle of routes, or gather performance statistics.


Where *command* can be any string to identify which type of command to use.

h3. Commands 
|| Command || Description ||
| {{route}} | To control routes using the {{routeId}} and {{action}} parameter. |
| {{language}} | Allows you to specify a [Language] to use for evaluating the message body. If there is any result from the evaluation, then the result is put in the message body. |

h3. Options
|| Name || Default Value || Description ||
| {{routeId}} | {{null}} | To specify a route by its {{id}}. |
| {{action}} | {{null}} | To denote an action that can be either: {{start}}, {{stop}}, or {{status}}. To either start or stop a route, or to get the status of the route as output in the message body. You can use {{suspend}} and {{resume}} from *Camel 2.11.1* onwards to either suspend or resume a route. And from *Camel 2.11.1* onwards you can use {{stats}} to get performance statics returned in XML format; the {{routeId}} option can be used to define which route to get the performance stats for, if {{routeId}} is not defined, then you get statistics for the entire [CamelContext]. |
| {{async}} | {{false}} | Whether to execute the control bus task asynchronously. *Important:* If this option is enabled, then any result from the task is *not* set on the [Exchange]. This is only possible if executing tasks synchronously. |
| {{loggingLevel}} | {{INFO}} | Logging level used for logging when task is done, or if any exceptions occurred during processing the task. |

You can append query options to the URI in the following format, {{?option=value&option=value&...}}

h3. Samples

h4. Using route command

The route command allows you to do common tasks on a given route very easily, for example to start a route, you can send an empty message to this endpoint:
template.sendBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=start", null);

To get the status of the route, you can do:
String status = template.requestBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=status", null, String.class);

h5. Getting performance statistics
*Available as of Camel 2.11.1*

This requires JMX to be enabled (is by default) then you can get the performance statics per route, or for the [CamelContext]. For example to get the statics for a route named foo, we can do:
String xml = template.requestBody("controlbus:route?routeId=foo&action=stats", null, String.class);

The returned statics is in XML format. Its the same data you can get from JMX with the {{dumpRouteStatsAsXml}} operation on the {{ManagedRouteMBean}}.

To get statics for the entire [CamelContext] you just omit the routeId parameter as shown below:
String xml = template.requestBody("controlbus:route?action=stats", null, String.class);

h4. Using [Simple] language

You can use the [Simple] language with the control bus, for example to stop a specific route, you can send a message to the {{"controlbus:language:simple"}} endpoint containing the following message:
template.sendBody("controlbus:language:simple", "${camelContext.stopRoute('myRoute')}");

As this is a void operation, no result is returned. However, if you want the route status you can do:
String status = template.requestBody("controlbus:language:simple", "${camelContext.getRouteStatus('myRoute')}", String.class);

*Notice:* its easier to use the {{route}} command to control lifecycle of routes. The {{language}} command allows you to execute a language script that has stronger powers such as [Groovy] or to some extend the [Simple] language. 

For example to shutdown Camel itself you can do:
template.sendBody("controlbus:language:simple?async=true", "${camelContext.stop()}");
Notice we use {{async=true}} to stop Camel asynchronously as otherwise we would be trying to stop Camel while it was in-flight processing the message we sent to the control bus component.

You can also use other languages such as [Groovy], etc.

{include:Endpoint See Also}
- [ControlBus] EIP
- [JMX] Component
- Using [JMX|Camel JMX] with Camel