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h1. Apache UIMA Wiki


Welcome to the Apache UIMA Wiki\!


This wiki is a place for the wider community of people interested in Apache UIMA to work together collaboratively in many ways.


Here are some broad topics, with links to pages for them


Configuring UIMA Pipelines Externally for a particular run

Redesign for more standards including Maven



Instructions for Committers

Developer tips

Release Plan


Things To Do

Working on Logos


UIMA applications

UIMA Requirements

Development Mini Specs

OASIS UIMA Specification Compliance Issues

Future Enablements



h3. [Configuring UIMA Pipelines Externally for a particular run]

h3. [Redesign for more standards including Maven]

h3. [Documentation]

h3. Eclipse

* [Extracting from SVN components into Eclipse Projects]
* [Eclipse Compiler Settings]
* [Working on Eclipse UIMA Plugins]
* [Building and Maintaining the Eclipse Update Site]
* [Differences between Running Unit Tests in Eclipse and in Maven]

h3. Instructions for Committers

* [Things that need updating when changing release version number]
* [How To Update the Website HTML Content]
* [How to Update the Javadocs on the Website]
* [Issues when running test cases on Linux or other *nix server boxes]
* [Deploying Maven Artifacts to the Staging Repository]

h3. Developer tips

* [Maven Tips]
* [Building Eclipse Plugins with maven-bundle-plugin and friends|Building Eclipse Plugins with maven-bundle-plugin and friends]
* [Running UIMA Apps on Hadoop]
* [Compiling and Running under Microsoft VISTA 64bit]

h3. [Release Plan]

h3. [Roadmap]

h3. [Things To Do|ToDo]

h3. [Working on Logos|LogoWork]

h3. [Sandbox|UIMA Sandbox Components]

* [uimaFIT]
* [DUCC]

h3. [UIMA applications|UIMA applications]

h3. [UIMA Requirements|UIMA Requirements]

h3. Development Mini Specs

* *[Reducing overhead for remote service calls]*
* *[Improving UIMA Debug Capabilities]*
* *[CAS Viewer Extension For Provenance Tracking of UIMA CAS Content]*
* *[*APIs for CAS Journaling*|]*
* *[Proposed Changes to UIMA C++ build and packaging]*

h3. [OASIS UIMA Specification Compliance Issues|ArchitectureComplianceIssues]

h3. Future Enablements

* *[UIMA OSGi Enablement]*
* *[UIMA Integrated Toolset]*

h3. [Web/Wiki design improvements|WebWikiDesign]