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h1. Apache UIMA Wiki

Welcome to the Apache UIMA Wiki\!

This wiki is a place for the wider community of people interested in Apache UIMA to work together collaboratively in many ways.

Here are some broad topics, with links to pages for them.

h3. [Configuring UIMA Pipelines Externally for a particular run]

h3. [Redesign for more standards including Maven]

h3. [Documentation]

h3. Eclipse

* [Extracting from SVN components into Eclipse Projects]
* [Eclipse Compiler Settings]
* [Working on Eclipse UIMA Plugins]
* [Building and Maintaining the Eclipse Update Site]
* [Differences between Running Unit Tests in Eclipse and in Maven]

h3. Instructions for Committers

* [Things that need updating when changing release version number]
* [How To Update the Website HTML Content]
* [How to Update the Javadocs on the Website]
* [Issues when running test cases on Linux or other *nix server boxes]
* [Deploying Maven Artifacts to the Staging Repository]

h3. Developer tips

* [Maven Tips]
* [Building Eclipse Plugins with maven-bundle-plugin and friends|Building Eclipse Plugins with maven-bundle-plugin and friends]
* [Running UIMA Apps on Hadoop]
* [Compiling and Running under Microsoft VISTA 64bit]

h3. [Release Plan]

h3. [Roadmap]

h3. [Things To Do|ToDo]

h3. [Working on Logos|LogoWork]

h3. [Sandbox|UIMA Sandbox Components]

* [uimaFIT]
* [DUCC]

h3. [UIMA applications|UIMA applications]

h3. [UIMA Requirements|UIMA Requirements]

h3. Development Mini Specs

* *[Reducing overhead for remote service calls]*
* *[Improving UIMA Debug Capabilities]*
* *[CAS Viewer Extension For Provenance Tracking of UIMA CAS Content]*
* *[*APIs for CAS Journaling*|]*
* *[Proposed Changes to UIMA C++ build and packaging]*

h3. [OASIS UIMA Specification Compliance Issues|ArchitectureComplianceIssues]

h3. Future Enablements

* *[UIMA OSGi Enablement]*
* *[UIMA Integrated Toolset]*

h3. [Web/Wiki design improvements|WebWikiDesign]