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The Code

For this example we have a simple Stateful bean called TelephoneBean as defined below. As a simple way of demonstrating the state we have to methods: speak and listen. You call speak and pass in some text, then you call listen to get your answer.

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business interface
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titleEJB3 Notes
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Definitely worth noting that this example uses one of the more clever EJB3 rules for default values.  The bean class uses the annotation *@Remote* but does not specify a list of interfaces as is normally required.  Per EJB3 rules, if the bean implements exactly *one business interface* it may use @Remote with no other values and that business interface is then implied to be a remote business interface.  The same rule applies to @Local.

The critical thing to know is that if you add another interface the rules change and require that you specify both interfaces in the @Remote annotation as in @Remote({Telephone.class, SecondInterface.class}).
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