In order to achieve operational repeatability and environmental consistency, //www.vagrantup.com Vagrant is employed to provision and build local virtual machines on the //www.virtualbox.org VirtualBox hypervisor. All Vagrant configurations are acquired via git. Therefore, ensure that the Vagrant, Virtualbox, and git are properly installed and configured before attempting to create the environments described in this document.
//basho.com/riak-cloud-storage/ Riak CS is an open source object storage system that provides an S3 compatible API. The following steps will create a local Riak CS virtual machine on Ubuntu 12.04.2:
Following completion of these steps, Riak CS will be available @
//wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack Swift is OpenStack's open source object storage system. The OpenStack community provides //www.devstack.org Devstack infrastructure to created local OpenStack environments. A pending patch wraps Vagrant around this mechanism to quickly create local virtual machines with it. Finally, by default, Devstack does not enable Swift. The following steps will create a local Devstack virtual machine that includes a Swift instance: