Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


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At Apache we work transparently as an open community of volunteers.  We develop open source software to benefit the publicВ Apache мы работаем прозрачно как c открытым сообществом добровольцев.  Мы разрабатываем программное обеспечение с открытым источником в интересах общества.  We're not going to beg you for monetary contributions.   But if you are interested in joining us, to help us make the next great version of OpenOffice, then we want to hear from you.  We're not only programmers, but are a community of testers, UI designers, web designers, technical writers, accessibility experts, translators, social media experts, etc.    Volunteers in all areas are welcome.   More information can be found on our Get Involved pageНо если вы заинтересованы в присоединении к нам, чтобы помочь нам сделать следующую версию OpenOffice, то мы хотим получить известие от вас.  Мы не только программисты,но и сообщество тестеров, дизайнеров интерфейса, дизайнеров сайта, технических писателей, экспертов, переводчиков, и т.д..   Приглашаются волонтёры по всем направлениям.   Более подробно можно прочитать на этой странице.

Новые возможности и улучшения


  • Selection Handles were reworked to be more distinguishable.
  • Transparency was added to give a slight 'clue' when the Handles cover something, but only for the Handle's fill (not their outlines) to not make them harder to view as necessary.
  • The design was slightly rounded.
  • Colors were tweaked a little bit for better identification (mainly when Handles are selected).
  • When Keyboard-travelling over handles (CTRL-TAB) yellow handles used for CustomShapes now blink as the other handles to visualize the active handle correctly.


Улучшенная визуализация выделения

  • For many occasions the selection of objects or multiple objects got enhanced using the selection color from the system.
  • Usage and fetching of that system-wide SelectionColor was unified to guarantee it for all selections on all Systems.
  • A slight blinking was added to identify objects where text can be added by starting to type or pressing return.

This is used in various places such as; Objects with TextEdit mode, highlighting of objects as Drag&Drop target or object manipulation (dashed black/white lines were used before).


Улучшенный предварительный просмотр печати

The PrintPreview in the Print dialog is now fully AntiAlialised. The previous version was not, thus thin lines could vanish or produce missing parts.


Расширенное преобразование растровой графики

The conversion to Bitmap graphics is greatly enhanced for all kinds of draw objects, including chart OLEs and others. This is not only useful for internally converting objects to bitmaps, but also used for exports where bitmaps are needed, and the system clipboard. It works with single objects as well as multiple selections. Transparencies of the object and AntiAliasing on its edges are perfect now.


Расширенная заливка для растровой графики

All DrawingObjects which can have a Bitmap filling can now profit from the new, greatly enhanced Bitmap FillType:


When zooming out or in small visualizations (e.g. Page Previews) objects or pages using a hatch fill style were poorly visualized since too many hatch lines were shown in a small area. The Hatch Fill Style now uses a minimal line distance to make it look good for visualizations in Edit Views. This was already the case in older office versions, but was lost in the redesign of the visualization.


Улучшенная поддержка градиентов в метафайлах

Gradients in metafiles are rotated and sheared (slanted) together with the metafile and so behave similar to bitmap graphics. Start color and end color are included in those gradients now. This improvement becomes visible if you use a small number of gradient steps. All gradients are now shown in presentation mode the same as they are shown in edit mode.


Улучшение/расширение расширений


Новый интерфейс управления панелями инструментов

Extensions now use a new Toolbar management, see ; at the moment, Extensions for 3.x that are using the deprecated mechanism will have to be updated to work with OpenOffice 4.0. Many popular extensions, including dictionaries, are not affected by the change.


Единый интерфейс управления меню

The Menu API has been unified, making it more clear and API-user-friendly. The following interfaces have been deprecated and replaced: css.awt.XMenuExtended, css.awt.XMenuExtended2, css.awt.XMenuBarExtended, css.awt.XPopupMenuExtended. See for details.
