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Code Block

Option                                  Description                            
------                                  -----------                            
--broker-list <brokerlist>              The list of brokers to which the       
                                          partitions need to be reassigned in  
                                          the form "0,1,2". This is required   
                                          for automatic topic reassignment.    
--execute [execute]                     This option does the actual
                              reassignment. By           reassignment. By default, default, the tool   
                                          does a dry run                       
--manual-assignment-json-file <manual   The JSON file with the list of manual  
  assignment json file path>              reassignmentsThis option or topics-  
                                          to-move-json-file needs to be        
                                          specified. The format to use is -    
               	[{"topic": "foo",
                        	[{"topic": "foo",                	         "partition": 1,
                                        	  "partitionreplicas": [1,2,3] }],
                    	  "replicas": [1,2,3] }],             
--topics-to-move-json-file <topics to   The JSON file with the list of topics
  reassign json file path>                to reassign.This option  "version":1or manual-
              assignment-json-file needs to be
                       }                   specified. The format to use is -
--topics-to-move-json-file <topics to   The JSON file with the list of topics  
  reassign json file path>        {"topics":
        to reassign.This option or manual-                            	[{"topic": "foo"},{"topic": "foo1"}],
--zookeeper <urls>                      REQUIRED: The connection string for
                                          the zookeeper connection in the form
                                          host:port. Multiple URLS can be
                                          given to allow fail-over.

7. StateChangeLogMerger Tool

What does the tool do ?

The goal of this tool is to collect data from the brokers in a cluster and format it in a central log to help troubleshoot issues with state changes. Every broker in a Kafka cluster emits a state-change.log that logs the lifecycle of every state change received by the broker. Often times, there is some problem with leader election for a subset of topics/partitions and the question is what caused the problem. In order to answer this question, we need a global view of state changes in the kafka cluster, possibly filtered on a time range and/or specific topics/partitions. This is exactly what the StateChangeLogMerger tool does. It takes in a list of state-change.log files, merges them in time order, filters on a certain time range if specified by the user, filters on topics/partitions if specified by the user, and outputs a merged and formatted state-change.log that is easy to query and understand the root cause.

How to use the tool ?

Code Block

nnarkhed-mn:kafka-git-idea nnarkhed$ ./bin/ 
Provide arguments to exactly one of the two options "[logs]" or "[logs-regex]"
Option                                  Description                            
------                                  -----------                            
--end-time <end timestamp in the        The latest timestamp of state change   
  format java.text.                       log entries to be merged (default:   
  SimpleDateFormat@f17a63e7>              9999-12-31 23:59:59,999)             
--logs <file1,file2,...>                Comma separated list of state change   
               assignment-json-file needs to be     
                   logs or a regex for the log file     
           specified. The format to use is -    
                     names                   {"topics":             
--logs-regex <for example: /tmp/state-  Regex to match the state change log     
  change.log*>                            files  to be merged      	[{"topic": "foo"},{"topic": "foo1"}], 
--partitions <0,1,2,...>                Comma separated list of partition ids  
        whose state change logs should be    
                       }                   merged                   
--zookeeper <urls>           
--start-time <start timestamp in the    The earliest timestamp REQUIRED:of Thestate connectionchange string
 for format java.text.  
                     log entries to be merged (default:   
  SimpleDateFormat@f17a63e7>           the zookeeper connection in the form 
0000-00-00 00:00:00,000)             
--topic <topic>                         The topic whose state change host:port.logs Multiple URLS can be  
                                      should be merged  given to allow fail-over.