Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is an English text template ready for you to use it for any new translation work. Don't forget to edit the title (just delete the "*copy of" and add your language in English, don't translate the title or this grey text), delete this paragraph, leave the rest and save your work! To the following paragraph add your username, the language in English txt and your % workflow.

Volunteers needed, please help the translation workflow:

VOLUNTEERS  =   ?????, 
DONE               =   15.00%

When done by 100%, please delete this table and all this grey txts.


Toivotamme myös uudet käyttäjät tervetulleiksi yhteisöön!  Toivomme teidän nauttivan käyttäessänne Apache OpenOfficea, johtavaa vapaata ja avointa toimisto-ohjelmistoa.

As always we welcome your feedback:

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