Uudet ominaisuudet ja parannukset
Uusi sivupalkki
The Sidebar is a major new feature of the user interface in all of the OpenOffice applicationsSivupalkki on merkittävä uudistus käyttöliittymässä ja se toimii kaikissa OpenOffice-sovelluksissa.
The Sidebar makes better use of today's widescreen displays than traditional toolbars. The 'Properties' deck is context-sensitive and shows panels with the document properties that are most frequently used for the current editing task.
Description | Original | AOO 3.4.1 | AOO 4.0 |
Keep Pie chart height when open Excel file |
Support the range specified by a reference formula or name range as chart data |
Show chart name through VBA API by clicking a button |
Support data filter function on merged cells |
Support user-defined format code in xls when cell value is TRUE or FALSE |
Support GETPIVOTDATA in Excel |
Support format code "0_;.00" |
Description | Original | AOO 3.4.1 | AOO 4.0 |
Support Docx outline level |
Support table background color from table style in docx file |
Support more Numbering&bullet types in docx |
Support font color in table in pptx |
Parannukset piirrosobjekteissa
Uusi väripaletti
The Color Palette is enhanced and extended with a selection of more useful colors, arranged in a new scheme to make finding colors simpler.
The new Palette is a mix of the Lotus Symphony Palette combined with the most useful original colors.
Uudet liukuvärjäykset
The Gradients are enhanced and extended with new, more useful ones, mainly taken from Lotus Symphony. The old ones are kept, but moved to the end of the list (not in the picture). These Gradients create much nicer fills for uses such as Slide Backgrounds.
Uudet galleriateemat ja gallerian parannukset
Gallery themes added from Symphony.
- Old themes are kept and sometimes extended
- Gallery is now able to store and use SVG graphics
- Many new graphics are now in SVG format, which saves space on your computer and gives the user the highest quality vector format
- Ability to add your own SVG and Metafile format graphics
- Can now be oriented horizontally or vertically and will adapt it's layout automatically
- Now also available anytime in the new Sidebar
Hienostunut valintakahvojen käyttöliittymä
- Selection Handles were reworked to be more distinguishable.
- Transparency was added to give a slight 'clue' when the Handles cover something, but only for the Handle's fill (not their outlines) to not make them harder to view as necessary.
- The design was slightly rounded.
- Colors were tweaked a little bit for better identification (mainly when Handles are selected).
- When Keyboard-travelling over handles (CTRL-TAB) yellow handles used for CustomShapes now blink as the other handles to visualize the active handle correctly.
Hienostunut valinnan visualisointi
- For many occasions the selection of objects or multiple objects got enhanced using the selection color from the system.
- Usage and fetching of that system-wide SelectionColor was unified to guarantee it for all selections on all Systems.
- A slight blinking was added to identify objects where text can be added by starting to type or pressing return.
This is used in various places such as; Objects with TextEdit mode, highlighting of objects as Drag&Drop target or object manipulation (dashed black/white lines were used before).
Parempi tulostuksen esikatselu
The PrintPreview in the Print dialog is now fully AntiAlialised. The previous version was not, thus thin lines could vanish or produce missing parts.
Parannettu muunnos bittikarttakuviksi
The conversion to Bitmap graphics is greatly enhanced for all kinds of draw objects, including chart OLEs and others. This is not only useful for internally converting objects to bitmaps, but also used for exports where bitmaps are needed, and the system clipboard. It works with single objects as well as multiple selections. Transparencies of the object and AntiAliasing on its edges are perfect now.
Think about the possibilities for filling the Backgrounds of Pages, Chart bars or other items. This will be used as vector data when printing or at PDF export.
Parannettu kopiointi ja liittäminen
All applications now support transparent and anti-aliased versions of, for example, DrawObjects in the selection to be exchanged with external applications. This is a result of the enhanced conversion to Bitmap and adding the PNG graphic format to the supported clipboard formats.
It is now possible to Copy/Paste any object to an external PixelGraphic application, modify it as needed, and copy it back to any OpenOffice Application without quality loss. This allows everyone easy and complete image manipulation outside the Office with the tool of his choice and the capabilities he needs.
Parannettu vedä ja pudota -toiminto
Drag&Drop has been enhanced by an 'internal' mode. It is now possible to Drag&Drop anything 'onto' an existing DrawObject to change it's graphic or fill style when holding CTRL+SHIFT (Ctrl+Cmd on Mac) during Drag&Drop.
It is practical when you change the LineWidth of an Object which has ArrowHeads defined at its start/end when the ArrowHeads used get adapted to your LineWidth change; else you have to adapt these by your own. This was already done for Draw and Impress. This is now unified and centralized and works in all OpenOffice applications.
-viennin parannukset
Some enhancements for SVG export were added to avoid some quality losses. More improvements are planned in this area for future releases.
If an imported SVG/metafile is manipulated, it needs to be broken up into DrawObjects. This code was improved in this release. More improvements are planned in this area for future releases.
-tuonnin parannukset
Enhancements and bug fixes were made in the SVG Import code . Thanks to all Users who were reporting issues and providing test documents for SVG. If you have a SVG file which looks different than it should, do not hesitate to attach it to an issue in the Apache OpenOffice Bugzilla.
Parannukset Calcissa ja kaavioissa
Tuki ympyräkaavioiden suhteelliselle korkeudelle:
For Pie charts imported from other formats, the Height attribute was not supported. This is added now and makes Pie Charts look more like the original.
Uudet funktiot
Calc now supports the spreadsheet functions: AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIFS, and SUMIFS. These functions allow you to combine several conditions.
Calc's RAND function was reimplemented to use the Mersenne-Twister algorithm.
Lisäosien parannukset
New Toolbar management
Extensions now use a new Toolbar management, see https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=121577 ; at the moment, Extensions for 3.x that are using the deprecated mechanism will have to be updated to work with OpenOffice 4.0. Many popular extensions, including dictionaries, are not affected by the change.
For example, this allows even animated GIFs to be used as object fill style for any object and to transform these in real time (when supported on the system). It also greatly enhances visualization geometry during editing (in the EditViews) when supported.
Laajennettu kielituki
New translations available in Apache OpenOffice 4.0 include: