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To install, simply unpack the .zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Unix) file containing Geronimo. If you wish to modify the default ports that Geronimo will use, edit the file <geronimo_home>/var/config/config.xml

Geronimo comes with batch and script files to control server start and stop functions. To see usage examples simply type geronimo.bat or command as appropriate for your platform. It is necessary to set JAVA_HOME to the copy of your Sun 5 JDK/JRE prior to executing the command.


Once the server has started, you can access the Geronimo Administration Console at http://localhost:8080/console/ . The default user name is "system" and the default password is "manager".

Geronimo Administration Console Security Configuration

The default administration user/password for the Geronimo Administration Console and deployment tool is system/manager. You can change these defaults directly from the Geronimo Administration Console by accessing Security -> Console Realm and change the user name and password from the Console Realm Users portlet.


You can also use the "Login" command once and avoid to enter user name and password every time you use the deploy tool.

For more information on the commands and options supported by the deploy tool, run from within the Geronimo directory <geronimo_home>/binthe following command:

Wiki Markup
*{{<geronimo_home>/bin/java -jar deployer.jar help \[command]}}*

You can also graphically deploy applications and resources via the Geronimo Administration Console available at http://localhost:8080/console/
Note that not all the distributions of Geronimo, such as geronimo-jetty6-minimal and geronimo-tomcat6-minimal, provide the console already deployed.

Other Deployment Options

As an alternative to the command-line deployer, you can copy application modules into the <geronimo_home>/deploy/ directory and the hot deployer service will deploy them automatically. The command-line deployer has some advantages, as it will output any deployment errors to its own console rather than just the server log.

Additionally, Geronimo provides a Maven plugin that can deploy applications to Geronimo as part of a Maven build.


Most configuration attributes can be updated in the <geronimo_home>/var/config/config.xml file. The attributes most likely to be changed are already included in the supplied config.xml file, while others may need to be added manually.
