Versions Compared


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  1. Create a database named SecurityDatabase using DB manager on the administration console;
  2. Create two tables Users and Groups to store user credential and group information;
    Code Block
    create table users(username varchar(15),password varchar(15));
    create table groups(username varchar(15),groupname varchar(15));
    insert into users values('userone','p1');
    insert into users values('usertwo','p2');
    insert into users values('userthree','p3');
    insert into groups values('userone','admin');
    insert into groups values('usertwo','admin');
    insert into groups values('userthree','user');
  3. Create an Derby XA database pool named SecurityDatabasePool using Database Pools on the console;
  4. Stop the server and update module org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car in the <Geronimo_Home>/var/config/config.xml file to enable the SQL realm.
    Code Block
    <module name="org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car">
            <gbean name="org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=LoginModule,name=security-realm" gbeanInfo="">
                <attribute name="loginModuleClass"></attribute>
                <attribute name="options">dataSourceName=SecurityDatabasePool
                                          groupSelect=select username, groupname from groups where username=?
                                          userSelect=select username, password from users where username=?</attribute>
                <attribute name="loginDomainName">geronimo-admin</attribute>
            <gbean name="geronimo-admin">
                <reference name="LoginModuleConfiguration">
            <gbean name="org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car?ServiceModule=org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car,j2eeType=LoginModuleUse,name=realm-login-use" gbeanInfo="">
                <attribute name="controlFlag">REQUIRED</attribute>
                <reference name="LoginModule">
    • geronimo_admin is the same realm name as the original one. You might use another name instead, by doing so, you have to replace the security realm name in all other applications that were using the same security constraint as console.
  5. Then,restart the server and try to login with user name userone and password p1. You will see the newly created SQL realm working.

With a LDAP



To replace the default .properties file realm using a ldap LDAP realm, the configuration is nearly identical to the sample above. The only difference is to use as LoginModuleClass. Here is the code snippet you can use in config.xml:
