Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Ensure no java processes are running. Note, jps may not always show all the processes.
  • Remove rpm packages
    • Ensure all packages corresponding to HDP.repo and HDP-UTIL-*.repo are removed (if any other stack was deployed you can apply a similar logic based on the corresponding repo file name)
    • Typically, installed packages are: sqoop.noarch,lzo-devel.x86_64,hadoop-libhdfs.x86_64,rrdtool.x86_64,hbase.noarch,pig.noarch,lzo.x86_64,ambari-log4j.noarch,oozie.noarch,oozie-client.noarch,gweb.noarch,snappy-devel.x86_64,hcatalog.noarch,python-rrdtool.x86_64,nagios.x86_64,webhcat-tar-pig.noarch,snappy.x86_64,libconfuse.x86_64,mysql.x86_64,webhcat-tar-hive.noarch,ganglia-gmetad.x86_64,extjs.noarch,hive.noarch,hadoop-lzo.x86_64,hadoop-lzo-native.x86_64,hadoop-native.x86_64,hadoop-pipes.x86_64,nagios-plugins.x86_64,hadoop.x86_64,zookeeper.noarch,mysql-libs.x86_64,mysql-connector-java.noarch,mysql-server.x86_64,hadoop-sbin.x86_64,ganglia-gmond.x86_64,libganglia.x86_64,perl-rrdtool.x86_64
    • Essentially, if you do a "yum list installed | grep HDP", and "yum list installed | grep HDP-UTILS" after removal the result should be empty
  • Remove repo file at /etc/yum.repos.d/
    • HDP.repo and HDP-epel.repo
  • Remove, if exists, alternatives at /etc/alternatives (use "alternative --display {alt-name}" to see and "alternative ---remove {alt-name} {folder-name}" to remove
  • Remove users – only if local users are created during HDP installations. If ldap users are used then do not remove users.
    Default user names are: nagios,hive,ambari-qa,hbase,oozie,hcat,mapred,hdfs,rrdcached,zookeeper,mysql,sqoop
  • Remove the following folders if they exist
  • Perform and "ls --al" at /tmp to ensure that there exists no folder with integer with the owner/group id. This typically means that these folders were associated with some deleted user/group. Remove these folders.


When hosts are registered, the Ambari UI report issues as follows:

Image Modified

/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_agent/ script can be invoked to perform cleanup of individual hosts. "python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_agent/" is an interactive call and asks if "users" should be deleted. This is because for many setup may not want to remove users. Use --help to see other options.
