Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


 The following must be done before an image can be captured:

  • The web, database, and management node has been installed and the management node is checking into the database.
  • A computer for the machine being captured has already been added to the VCL database
  • VMware Only:
    • A VM host computer on which the guest is running as been added to the VCL database
    • The guest VM has been assigned to the VM host via the Virtual Hosts link on the VCL website


VMware Only: Create a Virtual Machine

Create a Virtual Machine




The instructions assume that VMware has been configured with the following bridged networks:

  • Private: bridged to private interface: eth0
  • Public: bridged to public interface: eth1Launch

Use the VMware vSphere client for the following task:

  • Click File New  vSphere Client, connect to the ESXi host and loginClick File > New > Virtual Machine
  • Configuration: Custom
  • Name: (doesn't matter) win7
  • Datastore: datastoreSelect a datastore where the VM will reside
  • Virtual Machine Version: 7
  • Guest Operating System: Windows
    • Version: Microsoft Windows 7
    • (32-bit)
  • Number of virutal sockets: 1Select the appropriate guest OS
  • Number of cores per virtual processorssocket: 1
  • Memory Size: 1GB 4 GB
  • How many NICsNics: 2
    • NIC 1: Private, Adapter: E1000, Connect at Power On: Yes
    • NIC 2: Public, Adapter: E1000, Connect at Power On: Yes
  • SCSI controller: LSI Logic ParallelSAS
  • Disk: Create a new virtual  virtual disk
    • Disk Size: at least 30 GB
    • Allocate and commit space on demand (Thin Provisioning): Yes
    • Capacity: 24 GB
    • Disk Provisioning: Thin Provision
    • Location: Specify a datastore or datastore cluster
      • Click Browse
      • Select the local datastore
      • Click OK
      Location: Store with the virtual machine
  • Virtual Device Node: SCSI (0:0)
    • Mode: Not Independent , Persistent(unchecked)
  • Edit the virtual machine settings before completion: Yes
  • In the Hardware pane, select Add... Select the
    • Device Type: 
    • CD/DVD
    •  Drive
    • Select CD/DVD Media: Use ISO image
    • Select ISO Image:
      • Click Browse
      • Select *datastore *datastore
      • Click Open
      • Select iso
      • Click Open
      • Select Windows7-SP1-32.ISO
      • Click Open
    • Device Type: Datastore ISO File
    • Click Browse and browse to an ISO file that has previously been copied to the datastore
    • Connect at power on: Yes (checked)
  • Click Finish

VMware Server 1.x

The instructions assume that VMware has been configured with the following bridged networks:

  • VMnet0: bridged to private interface: eth0
  • VMnet2: bridged to public interface: eth1
  • Launch the VMware Server console and connect to the local VMware host:

    vmware &

  • Virtual Machine Configuration: Typical
  • Guest Operating System: Microsoft Windows
  • Version: Windows XP Professional (select the appropriate version if you are not installing XP)
  • Name: vmwarewinxp-base7-v1
  • Network connection: Custom
    • /dev/vmnet0*
  • Disk size: 8.0 GB
    • Allocate all disk space now: no
    • Split disk into 2GB files: yes
  • Edit virtual machine settings
    • Configure the VM CD-ROM drive to use the Windows XP ISO image
    • Connection: Use ISO image: browse to path of Windows XP ISO image copied to the VMware host
  • Add: Ethernet Adapter
    • Network Connection: Custom
    • */dev/vmnet2*

VMware Server 2.x



https://<IP address or hostname>:8333


  • Name: Windows XP Base
  • Datastore: standard (This causes the VM to be created under /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines)


  • Operating System: Windows operating system
  • Version: Microsoft Windows XP Professional (32-bit)
  • Product Compatibility: 4 (Optional - the hardware version can be set to the default value of 7 if you do not have any older VMware Server 1.x hosts in your environment)


  • Memory Size: 1024 MB
  • Processor Count: 1


  • Click Create a New Virtual
    • Capacity: at least 20 GB (This value can be adjusted to suit the size of the VMware host's disk. It is best to create the base image with a large enough hard drive to accomodate your largest image. The hard drive of a VM can be expanded but it is a manual, time-consuming process.)
    • File Options
      • Allocate all disk space now: no
      • Split disk into 2 GB files: yes
    • Disk Mode: Independent/Persistent


  • Click Add a Network Adapter
    • Network Connection: select the name of your private network


  • Click Use an ISO
    • Select the Windows ISO image you copied to the host. The ISO file must reside in /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines in order to be able to select it from this interface.


  • Network Connection: select the name of your public network

Select the New NIC (adding) entry with Private listed next to it** Under MAC Address, select Manual

    • Enter the private MAC address you retrieved earlier
    • Click Finish
    • Click Finish

Start the VM and Install Windows

  • Select the win7 VM
  • Click the play button to power on the VM
  • View the *Console *tab to watch the VM boot
  • wait for?
  • Enter the regional information:
    • Language to install: English
    • Time and currency format: English (United States)
    • Keyboard or input method: US
  • Click Next
  • Click Install now
    Setup is starting...
  • Click the checkbox next to "I accept the license terms"
  • Click Next
  • Click Custom (advanced)
  • Where do you want to install Windows?: Disk 0 Unallocated Space
  • Click Next
    Installing Windows...
    Windows restarts
    Starting Windows
    Setup is updating registry settings
  • A screen titled "Set Up Windows" appears:
    • Type a user name: root
    • Type a computer name: it's best to name the computer after the OS (Example: win7sp1)
  • Enter a password, password hint, and click Next
  • Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically: Ask me later
  • Select a time zone, set the correct time, and click Next
    Windows is finalizing your settings
    Preparing your desktop
    Desktop appears
  • If asked to set a network location, choose Work network
    The root account logs in...

Enable RDP

  • Open Control Panel > System and Security > System
  • Click Remote settings
  • Select Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)
  • Click OK

Use an RDP client to connect to the Windows computer using either its public or private IP address as appropriate.

Connect via RDP

  • Find the IP address assigned to your VM on the Public port:
    • Start->Search
    • Enter cmd
    • Run cmd
    • type ipconfig and look your public IPv4 address x.x.x.x address
  • Connect to the Windows 7 computer using RDP
  • Login to the RDP session as root

Disable User Account Control




User Account Control (UAC) is the mechanism that causes may of the pop-up windows to appear when you attempt to run programs on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. VCL will disable it when the image is captured but you can disable it while configuring the base image to make things a little easier.

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Click System and Security > Change User Account Control settings (Under Action Center)
  3. Move the slider to the bottom: Never notify
  4. Click OK
  5. Reboot the computer


Install Windows

Install Windows for a Base Image
