Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
gpg --armor --fingerprint --list-sigs <keyid>
gpg --armor --export <keyid>

Creating a Release Candidate

Create or Checkout the Release Branch
Code Block
git checkout origin/branch-x.y.z
Run Basic Release checks
Code Block
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
mvn clean apache-rat:check
Update Version Number if Required
Code Block
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion="x.y.z"
Modify CHANGES.txt to set the release date to when the vote will likely end ( +3 or 4 days from the vote start ).
Commit and push the version change.
Create a Release Tag
Code Block
git tag -a release-x.y.z-rc0 -m 'Tez x.y.z RC0'
git push --tags origin
Deploy the jars to Staging

Your .m2/settings.xml should have something along these lines:


Log on to and look at the Staging Repositories. "Close" the tez jars recently uploaded to get the temporary staging repo URL.

Create a Release tarball for the Source
Code Block
git clean -f -x -d
cd ..
cp -R tez-git-x.y.z tez-x.y.z-incubating
tar --exclude=.git -zcvf tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz tez-x.y.z-incubating 
Sign the Release
Code Block
gpg2  --armor --output tez-{x.y.z}-incubating.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig tez-{x.y.z}-incubating.tar.gz
Generate MD5 checksums
Code Block
md5sum tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.md5
sha1sum tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.sha


Code Block
openssl md5 tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.md5
openssl sha1 tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz > tez-x.y.z-incubating.tar.gz.sha
Upload Artifacts for Release Vote

The artifacts ( tarball, checksums ) need to be copied over to
