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This happened when I tried to enable gzip compression by setting compression.codec to 1. With the code change, I found not a single message was received by brokers even I had called producer.send() 1 million times. No error printed by producer and no error could be found in broker's kafka-request.log. By adding to my producer's classpath and switch the log level to DEBUG, I captured the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xerial/snappy/SnappyInputStream thrown at the producer side. Now I can see this error can be resolved by adding snappy jar to the producer's classpath.


Why does my consumer get InvalidMessageSizeException?

This typically means that the "fetch size" of the consumer is too small. Each time the consumer pulls data from the broker, it reads bytes up to a configured limit. If that limit is smaller than the largest single message stored in Kafka, the consumer can't decode the message properly and will throw an InvalidMessageSizeException. To fix this, increase the limit by setting the property "fetch.size" properly in config/ The default fetch.size is 300,000 bytes.

On EC2, why can't my high-level consumers connect to the brokers?

When a broker starts up, it registers its host ip in ZK. The high-level consumer later uses the registered host ip to establish the socket connection to the broker. By default, the registered ip is given by InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress. Typically, this should return the real ip of the host. However, in EC2, the returned ip is an internal one and can't be connected to from outside. The solution is to explicitly set the host ip to be registered in ZK by setting the "hostname" property in

Should I choose multiple group ids or a single one for the consumers?

If all consumers use the same group id, messages in a topic are distributed among those consumers. In other words, each consumer will get a non-overlapping subset of the messages. Having more consumers in the same group increases the degree of parallelism and the overall throughput of consumption. See the next question for the choice of the number of consumer instances. On the other hand, if each consumer is in its own group, each consumer will get a full copy of all messages.

Why some of the consumers in a consumer group never receive any message?

Currently, a topic partition is the smallest unit that we distribute messages among consumers in the same consumer group. So, if the number of consumers is larger than the total number of partitions in a Kafka cluster (across all brokers), some consumers will never get any data. The solution is to increase the number of partitions on the broker.

Why are there many rebalances in my consumer log?

A typical reason for many rebalances is the consumer side GC. If so, you will see Zookeeper session expirations in the consumer log (grep for Expired). Occasional rebalances are fine. Too many rebalances can slow down the consumption and one will need to tune the java GC setting.

Can I predict the results of the consumer rebabalance?

During the rebalance process, each consumer will execute the same deterministic algorithm to range partition a sorted list of topic-partitions over a sorted list of consumer instances. This makes the whole rebalancing process deterministic. For example, if you only have one partition for a specific topic and going to have two consumers consuming this topic, only one consumer will get the data from the partition of the topic; and even if the consumer named "Consumer1" is registered after the other consumer named "Consumer2", it will replace "Consumer2" gaining the ownership of the partition in the rebalance.

My consumer seems to have stopped, why?

First, try to figure out if the consumer has really stopped or is just slow. You can use our tool

Why data is not evenly distributed among partitions when partitioning key is not specified?

To reduce # of open sockets, in 0.8.0 (, when the partitioning key is not specified or null, a producer will pick a random partition and stick to it for some time (default is 10 mins) before switching to another one. So, if there are fewer producers than partitions, at a given point of time, some partitions may not receive any data. To alleviate this problem, one can either reduce the metadata refresh interval or specify a message key and a customized random partitioner. For more detail see this thread


Why does my consumer get InvalidMessageSizeException?

This typically means that the "fetch size" of the consumer is too small. Each time the consumer pulls data from the broker, it reads bytes up to a configured limit. If that limit is smaller than the largest single message stored in Kafka, the consumer can't decode the message properly and will throw an InvalidMessageSizeException. To fix this, increase the limit by setting the property "fetch.size" properly in config/ The default fetch.size is 300,000 bytes.

On EC2, why can't my high-level consumers connect to the brokers?

When a broker starts up, it registers its host ip in ZK. The high-level consumer later uses the registere host ip to establish the socket connection to the broker. By default, the registered ip is given by InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress. Typically, this should return the real ip of the host. However, in EC2, the returned ip is an internal one and can't be connected to from outside. The solution is to explicitly set the host ip to be registered in ZK by setting the "hostname" property in

Should I choose multiple group ids or a single one for the consumers?

If all consumers use the same group id, messages in a topic are distributed among those consumers. In other words, each consumer will get a non-overlapping subset of the messages. Having more consumers in the same group increases the degree of parallelism and the overall throughput of consumption. See the next question for the choice of the number of consumer instances. On the other hand, if each consumer is in its own group, each consumer will get a full copy of all messages.

Why some of the consumers in a consumer group never receive any message?

Currently, a topic partition is the smallest unit that we distribute messages among consumers in the same consumer group. So, if the number of consumers is larger than the total number of partitions in a Kafka cluster (across all brokers), some consumers will never get any data. The solution is to increase the number of partitions on the broker.

Why are there many rebalances in my consumer log?

A typical reason for many rebalances is the consumer side GC. If so, you will see Zookeeper session expirations in the consumer log (grep for Expired). Occasional rebalances are fine. Too many rebalances can slow down the consumption and one will need to tune the java GC setting.

Can I predict the results of the consumer rebabalance?

During the rebalance process, each consumer will execute the same deterministic algorithm to range partition a sorted list of topic-partitions over a sorted list of consumer instances. This makes the whole rebalancing process deterministic. For example, if you only have one partition for a specific topic and going to have two consumers consuming this topic, only one consumer will get the data from the partition of the topic; and even if the consumer named "Consumer1" is registered after the other consumer named "Consumer2", it will replace "Consumer2" gaining the ownership of the partition in the rebalance.

My consumer seems to have stopped, why?

First, try to figure out if the consumer has really stopped or is just slow. You can use our tool

Code Block

bin/ --group consumer-group1 --zkconnect zkhost:zkport --topic topic1
consumer-group1,topic1,0-0 (Group,Topic,BrokerId-PartitionId)
Owner = consumer-group1-consumer1
Consumer offset = 70121994703
= 70,121,994,703 (65.
Code Block

bin/ --group consumer-group1 --zkconnect zkhost:zkport --topic topic1
consumer-group1,topic1,0-0 (Group,Topic,BrokerId-PartitionId)
Owner = consumer-group1-consumer1
Consumer offset = 70121994703
= 70,121,994,703 (65.31G)
Log size = 70122018287
= 70,122,018,287 (65.31G)
Consumer lag = 23584
= 23,584 (0.00G)

... controls how long a fetch request will wait on the broker in the normal case. The issue is that if there is a hard crash on the broker (host is down), the client may not realize this immediately since TCP will try very hard to maintain the socket connection. By setting, we allow the client to break out sooner in this case. Typically, should be set to be at least or a bit larger. It's possible to specify an indefinite long poll by setting to a very large value. It's not recommended right now due to The consumer-config documentation states that "The actual timeout set
will be max.fetch.wait +" - however, that change seems to have been lost in the code a while ago. is filed to fix it.

I am not setting the partition key and have more than one partition but only one consumer is getting the messages from my producer?

When many producers where used in 0.8 during the beta period an issue was found which changed how partitions got messages when the partition key was null (default value). If you are in development/testing and and want to mimic in your development/testing multiple partitions/consumers getting your messages then what you could do is for the partition key have it be UUID.randomUUID().toString. If you are in production then with a sufficient amount of producers the net net will have all consumers getting messages... If not then you may have to make the partition key help you do this then too and not rely on a null partition key. For more detail see this thread to a very large value. It's not recommended right now due to The consumer-config documentation states that "The actual timeout set
will be max.fetch.wait +" - however, that change seems to have been lost in the code a while ago. is filed to fix it.


How many topics can I have?
