Tuscany Geronimo Integration Next Steps
Provide a deep integration with Geronimo. Package Tuscany as a plugin (as a SCA container) for Geronimo to support SCA as a first-class programming model and deployment capability. Leverage the built-in components such as Tomcat/Jetty for HTTP, Axis2 for Web Service, ActiveMQ for JMS and OpenEJB for EJB from Geronimo to support Tuscany/SCA binding types. Use the QoS services such as Transaction or Security to implement SCA intents/policies. Provide integration of JEE and SCA so that SCA applications can talk to JEE artifacts and JEE artifacts can participate in the SCA assembly.
- Develop a Tuscany plugin for Geronimo as the container to run SCA composites
- Tuscany has developed a generic SCA domain application to manage the contrbutions and deployable composites. Most of his work can be reused for the deployment of SCA applications with the Tuscany/Geronimo plugin.
- The Geronimo adminconsole extension for Tuscany
- The Tuscany plugin will receive the deployment plan from the SCA domain application or a local file which contain the deployment composite and the URLs of required contributions. The plugin will load and start the deployable composite in a SCA Node. The Geronimo-style deployment is not a must-have and can be deferred.
- Integrate Tuscany plugin interact with other containers in the Geronimo such as Axis2, Tomcat, OpenEJB, ActiveMQ to support SCA bindings.
- binding.http, binding.jsonrpc, binding.feed (Tomcat/Jetty)
- binding.ws (Axis2)
- binding.ejb (OpenEJB)
- binding.jms (ActiveMQ)
- Implement the key parts of JEE/SCA integration draft spec from OSOA.org: http://www.osoa.org/download/attachments/35/SCA_JAVAEE_integration_v0_9.pdf?version=1
- implementation.we
- implementation.ejb
- Leverage the Geronimo QoS services such as Transaction and Security to support SCA intents/policies