Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


The general incubator release guide is available here: Removed
but since we are out of incubation the docs are here: Removed
The apache central maven repo release guide is available here: Removed

The release process takes about one hour to perform, don't do this in a hurry as it is important to perform each step in the correct order!



Download the latest JDK 6 Removed

Create a mvn6 shell script and add it to your PATH. This script makes sure you use Java 6 to build the release.


Edit CHANGELOG.txt in you favorite editor and add the closed issues for this release. Info can be exported from jira.

Go to: Removed
In the versions due section go to the version you want to release
Click on release notes
Configure release notes to text
Copy the notes to our CHANGELOG.txt


Make sure your code is up to date, builds, is available in your snapshot repository and has no local changes

You will be asked about the release versions. Make sure you enter a *correct tag: apache-empire-db-\[version\]-rc\[nr\]*. Once the release vote passes we can then copy this -rcX tag to the final version tag.


Wiki Markup
Code Block
>mvn6 clean install
>mvn6 clean release:clean
>mvn6 release:prepare -Papache-release
[INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
What is the release version for "Apache Empire-db Parent"? (org.apache.empire-db:empire-db-parent) 2.0.5: : 
What is SCM release tag or label for "Apache Empire-db Parent"? (org.apache.empire-db:empire-db-parent) empire-db-parent-2.0.5: : apache-empire-db-2.0.5-rc3
What is the new development version for "Apache Empire-db Parent"? (org.apache.empire-db:empire-db-parent) 2.0.6-SNAPSHOT: : 
[INFO] Transforming 'Apache Empire-db Parent'...
[INFO] Updating empire-db to 2.0.5


Close the staging repository

Go to: https://repository.apache.orgImage Removed and log in
Follow the steps as described on Removed (Close the staging repository)


TODO we might want to switch to Removed<TLP name>/
as explained here: Removed

Code Block
>cd target/checkout/empire-db-dist (we want to have the same artifacts in the dist as in the repo)
All Done. Files available in ./target


Initiate a vote

Docs here: Removed

The vote mail should look like this:unmigrated-wiki-markup

Subject: \ [VOTE\] Release Apache Empire-db 2.0.5 (rc3)


We have just prepared a 2.0.5 release and we are now looking for approval of the PMC to publish the release.
More info on release requirements can be found here: Removed

These are the major changes from our previous 2.0.4 release:

  • xxx
  • xxx

Changelog: Removed

Subversion tag: Removed

Maven staging repository: Removed

Distribution files are located here Removed

Rat report for the tag is available here: Removed

Vote open for 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ] +0
[ ] -1


Log in to nexus as described above,

Go to: https://repository.apache.orgImage Removed and log in
Follow the steps as described on Removed
(go to the staging section, right click on the staged release and select release)

Set up new release in JIRA / close old one

Move the release files to the dist location

Docs here: Removed

  1. svn checkout Removed empire-db-dist-release
  2. Create a subdirectory with the version number (i.e. 2.0.5)
  3. Copy all distribution files from your apache home directory to that directory (.zip, .tar.gz, .asc, .md5, .sha)
    scp* .
  4. commit to the subversion repo
  5. Wait (one day) before files become available on the mirrors


  1. Check out or update the Empire-db website source files from Removed
  2. Update the doap_Empire-db.rdf file, add new version
  3. Edit Pages with html editor (I am using Microsoft Expression Web)
  4. Open page downloads/latest.htm and copy section with previous release files to downloads/previous.htm.
  5. In downloads/latest.htm replace all reference to old version number with new version number.
  6. Update news.html
  7. so a svn delete on javadocs/empire-db
  8. commit
  9. recreate the empire-db folder
  10. fetch the new javadoc jar from Removed
  11. extract into the javadocs/empire-db folder
  12. svn add the empire-db folder
  13. Commit all changes to svn repo.
  14. Wait some time for changes to become available on the mirrors.


Start the mail as follows:unmigrated-wiki-markup

Subject: \ [ANNOUNCE\] Apache Empire-db xxx released

The Apache Empire-db team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Empire-db version xxx.
Apache Empire-db is a lightweight data access and persistence component for relational databases based on JDBC. Removed

Wiki Markup\[add description and list of changes\]

Changelog: Removed

Download: Removed

Thank you for your interest in Apache Empire-db!

The Apache Empire-db Team.
