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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Note that this version has been released under the Apache Felix project, before Karaf graduated as a top level project, which explains the references to the FELIX issue tracker.


Download links can be found in the Download page.

Release notes - Karaf - Version 1.6.0

Apache Felix Karaf 1.6.0 was released on May 27th 2010

This release includes these fixes/improvements:


FELIX-2129 - Possible hang with slave instances of Karaf when using Oracle JDBC lock.
FELIX-2130 - Failover Clustering Mechanism - Database shutdown / loss results in all Karaf instances becoming Active on restart of that DB
FELIX-2169 - Improve dev:show-tree performance and avoid NPE for installed bundle
FELIX-2191 - Drop-in deployment of feature descriptor with spring-dm bundles fails
FELIX-2196 - Karaf uses old version of Aries artifacts
FELIX-2270 - Don't install jaas.boot bundle, its in the startup classpath
FELIX-2295 - Referenced service throws UndeclaredThrowableException instead of real one
FELIX-2310 - Karaf framework environment is not set correctly
FELIX-2311 - Remove the Bootstrap class which is not needed anymore
FELIX-2319 - The order of the list of boot features is not used when installing the features
FELIX-2326 - NullPointerException thrown from PropertiesLoginModule if a user doesn't exist in the properties file
FELIX-2343 - Features maven plugin does not honor local and remote repository overrides
FELIX-2347 - Configurations on features should not override existing configurations


FELIX-1921 - Provide a way to configure the host used for karaf ssh server
FELIX-2058 - The Oracle, MySql and default jdbc lock classes should inherit from a common base class
FELIX-2109 - OBR should support matching resources for a given requirement
FELIX-2110 - The resolver should be able to resolve for some requirements in addition to resources
FELIX-2113 - Add obr:find and obr:resolve to find matching resources and show the resolution output
FELIX-2193 - add-features-to-repo goal of features-maven-plugin should be able to download dependencies if necessary
FELIX-2237 - ^C should interrupt the thread
FELIX-2239 - features-maven-plugin validate goal should be able to use configurable
FELIX-2278 - refactor features-maven-plugin to use Parser/Clause/VersionRange from utils
FELIX-2280 - To much code duplication in DefaultJDBCLock, OracleJDBCLock and MySQLJDBCLock
FELIX-2293 - features-maven-plugin validate should support specify the feature repositories from the maven plugin configure
FELIX-2297 - features-maven-plugin validate goal should be able to use configurable jre version
FELIX-2312 - Support for ext and endorsed directories
FELIX-2314 - Improve logging support
FELIX-2315 - Upgrade to felix web console 3.0.0
FELIX-2320 - Override default Karaf shell prompt
FELIX-2327 - Disable and delay Jline terminal initialization
FELIX-2329 - Improve the URL handling in features-maven-plugin regarding the add-features-to-repo goal
FELIX-2330 - Uninstall, refresh, and resolve osgi shell commands do not support multiple bundle ids


FELIX-1990 - Use aries blueprint / jmx

Known issues

  • When starting Apache Felix Karaf, you can see this warning message (cfr. FELIX-2360)
    Code Block
    bin/karaf: 326: [[: not found 
  • A child instance created by admin:create might not be accessible using the admin:connect command, but the instance is fully operational and can be accessed with a normal ssh client (ssh localhost -p <child instance ssh port number> -l karaf) (cfr. FELIX-2361)