Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


  1. Generate PGP code signing keys
  2. Ensure that your PGP signing keys are available in: Removed More details can be found here.
  3. Copy the new KEYS file to the release folder /www/ on


You need to be a member of the "incubator" unix group on Ask for help on the incubator general@ list. Here's an example Removed

Ensure that you have setup your ssh keys on, otherwise you'll have to enter your login password a number of times (best use ssh-agent for this as well). A good overview of this process can be found here (ssh-copy-id and ssh-agent in particular)


  1. taking care of all the patch available issues for a given release
  2. send an email to the bigtop-dev mailing list reminding the community of the upcoming release and asking them to spend 2-3 days raising the priority of the "must fix" issues for a given release to a "Blocker" status AND making sure that Fix Versions field is set to an upcoming release. Of course, it goes without saying that people have to volunteer to work on this issues – this is not an exercise of assigning work to others. Typically everybody has their own favorite issues that they would like to see fixed in the upcoming release, however do encourage folks to also take a look at the Unscheduled issues since those tend to accumulate lurkers. Also 'git grep' for the 'FIXME/WORKAROUD' prefix in the source code as to identify anything that doesn't need to be worked around anymore
  3. after waiting for 2-3 days for community to respond and for the Blockers to settle down – make sure that the resulting list looks reasonable and that there is a general expectation that the release can happen given the state of the source base.
  4. create the version tag for the next milestone release: navigate to the Removed and add the tag there of the form 0.X.Z
  5. move all the non-blocker issues assigned to the current release to the next one by navigating to (make sure to replace 0.X.Y with your actual version number):!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=project+%3D+BIGTOP+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%220.X.Y%22+and+priority+%21%3D+blockerImage Removed and then select 'bulk update' from the tools menu (WARNING: MAKE SURE TO UNCHECK the 'Send mail for this update' toggle at the very bottom of the edit screen!!!)


JIRA has the ability to generate release notes automatically (this is why it is so important to keep the fix version number accurate). Removed

Manually check this list for accuracy! I've repeatedly seen closed bugs that were not fixed (i.e., duplicate) marked with a fix version, so that they incorrectly show up in this list. Find those, edit them to remove the fix release (only actually fixed bugs should have a fix release) and re-run the report.


If this step fails with an Access denied error check that you have the required permissions on Nexus.

Login to https://repository.apache.orgImage Removed using your Apache SVN credentials. Click on Staging on the left. Then click on org.apache.whirr in the list of repositories. In the panel below you should see an open repository that is linked to your username and IP. Select this repository and click Close. This will close the repository from future deployments and make it available for others to view.


The last line is to remove the previous version, since only the most recent version on a particular branch should be in the dist directory (older versions are archived automatically, see Removed and Removed).

Log in to https://repository.apache.orgImage Removed, click on Staging on the left. Select the repository that you closed earlier, and click Release, using a description like "Apache Bigtop X.Y.Z artifacts". This will make the artifacts publicly available.


It will take an hour or so for the website to become live, but you can inspect the website by temporarily setting your browser proxy to see the new, unmirrored content (I used FoxyProxy in Firefox) as described in Removed.

11. Announce the Release


Add the next version number (e.g. 0.2.0 after 0.1.0) to JIRA using this
link: Removed.

In JIRA mark the released version as "released" on the "manage versions" page. Be sure to fill in a date if not already specified.