Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block


URI format

Code Block



Wiki Markup
|| Name || Default Value || Description ||
| type | {{direct}} | direct, event, or polling |
| delay | {{60}} | in seconds |
| consumerKey | {{null}} | Consumer Key. Can also be configured on the {{TwitterComponent}} level instead. |
| consumerSecret | {{null}} | Consumer Secret. Can also be configured on the {{TwitterComponent}} level instead. |
| accessToken | {{null}} | Access Token. Can also be configured on the {{TwitterComponent}} level instead. |
| accessTokenSecret | {{null}} | Access Token Secret. Can also be configured on the {{TwitterComponent}} level instead. |
| user | {{null}} | Username, used for user timeline consumption, direct message production, etc. |
| locations| {{null}} | 'lat,lon;lat,lon;...' Bounding boxes, created by pairs of lat/lons.  Can be used for streaming/filter |
| keywords| {{null}} | 'foo1,foo2,foo3...' Can be used for search and streaming/filter. See [Advanced search|] for keywords syntax for searching with for example OR. |
| userIds| {{null}} | 'username,username...' Can be used for streaming/filter |
| filterOld | {{true}} | Filter out old tweets, that has previously been polled. This state is stored in memory only, and based on last tweet id. *Since Camel 2.11.0* The search producer supports this option |
| sinceId | {{1}} | *Camel 2.11.0:* The last tweet id which will be used for pulling the tweets. It is useful when the camel route is restarted after a long running.|
| lang | {{null}} | *Camel 2.11.0:* The lang string [ISO_639-1|] which will be used for searching |
| count | {{null}} | *Camel 2.11.0:* Limiting number of results per page. |
| numberOfPages | {{1}} | *Camel 2.11.0:* The number of pages result which you want camel-twitter to consume. |
| httpProxyHost | {{null}} | *Camel 2.12.3:* The http proxy host which can be used for the camel-twitter. |
| httpProxyPort | {{null}} | *Camel 2.12.3:* The http proxy port which can be used for the camel-twitter. |
| httpProxyUser | {{null}} | *Camel 2.12.3:* The http proxy user which can be used for the camel-twitter. |
| httpProxyPassword | {{null}} | *Camel 2.12.3:* The http proxy password which can be used for the camel-twitter. |

Message header

Wiki Markup
|| Name || Description ||
|{{CamelTwitterKeywords}}|This header is used by the search producer to change the search key words dynamically.|
|{{CamelTwitterSearchLanguage}}| *Camel 2.11.0:* This header can override the option of {{lang}} which set the search language for the search endpoint dynamically|
|{{CamelTwitterCount}}|*Camel 2.11.0* This header can override the option of {{count}} which sets the max twitters that will be returned.|
|{{CamelTwitterNumberOfPages}}|*Camel 2.11.0* This header can converrid the option of {{numberOfPages}} which sets how many pages we want to twitter returns.|


To create a status update within your Twitter profile, send this producer a String body.

Code Block


To poll, every 5 sec., all statuses on your home timeline:

Code Block


To search for all statuses with the keyword 'camel':

Code Block


Searching using a producer with static keywords

Code Block



In the bar header we have the keywords we want to search, so we can assign this value to the CamelTwitterKeywords header.

Code Block

  .setHeader("CamelTwitterKeywords", header("bar"))


See also the Twitter Websocket Example.

Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also