Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: CAMEL-6868


Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format

Code Block



Wiki Markup
|| Property || Default || Description ||
| {{autoAck}} | {{true}} | If messages should be auto acknowledged |
| {{autoDelete}} | {{true}} | If it is true, the exchange will be deleted when it is no longer in use |
| {{durable}} | {{true}} | If we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart) | 
| {{queue}} | {{random uuid}} | The queue to receive messages from |
| {{routingKey}} | {{null}} | The routing key to use when binding a consumer queue to the exchange. For producer routing keys, you set the header (see header section) |
| {{threadPoolSize}} | {{10}} | The consumer uses a Thread Pool Executor with a fixed number of threads. This setting allows you to set that number of threads. |
| {{username}} | {{null}} | username in case of authenticated access |
| {{password}} | {{null}} | password for authenticated access |
| {{vhost}} | {{/}} | the vhost for the channel |
| {{exchangeType}} | {{direct}} | *Camel 2.12.2:* The exchange type such as direct or topic. |
| {{bridgeEndpoint}} | {{false}} | *Camel 2.12.3:* If the bridgeEndpoint is true, the producer will ignore the message of rabbitmq.EXCHANGE_NAME |
| {{addresses}} | {{null}} | *Camel 2.12.3:* If this option is set, camel-rabbitmq will try to create connection based on the setting of option addresses. The addresses value is a string which looks like "server1:12345, server2:12345"|


The following headers are set on exchanges when consuming messages.


To receive messages from a queue that is bound to an exchange A with the routing key B,

Code Block


To receive messages from a queue with a single thread with auto acknowledge disabled.

Code Block


To send messages to an exchange called C

Code Block"rabbitmq://localhost/B")

Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also