Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Install Node.js from
  • Execute the following:

    Code Block
    git clone
    cd ambari/ambari-web
    npm install -g brunch
    rm -rf node_modules public
    npm install
    brunch build 

    Note: if you receive a "gyp + xcodebuild" error when running "npm install", confirm you have Xcode CLI tools installed (Xcode > Preferences > Downloads)
    Note: if you receive "Error: EMFILE, open" errors when running "brunch build", increase the ulimit for file descriptors (for example, "ulimit -n 10000")

To run the web server in isolation with Ambari Server:

Code Block

brunch watch --server (or use the shorthand: brunch w -s)


We will use all default settings for Code Style in the IDE, except for the following:

Code Block

Go to Preferences
Code Style->General
Line separator (for new files): Unix
Make sure “Use tab character” is NOT checked
Tab size: 2
Indent: 2
Continuation indent: 2
Code Style->JavaScript:
Tabs and Indents
Make sure “use tab character” is NOT checked
Set Tab size, Indent, and Continuation indent to “2”.
Turn on “After name-value property separator ‘:’


Unit tests are written using Mocha and run with the PhantomJS headless browser.
To set your environment up for unit testing, run:

Code Block

npm install -g mocha-phantomjs phantomjs

Run unit tests via:

Code Block

cd ambari-web
mocha-phantomjs public/test/test.html
