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Thrift Hive Server

HiveServer is an optional service that allows a remote client to submit requests to Hive, using a variety of programming languages, and retrieve results. HiveServer is built on Apache ThriftTM (, therefore it is sometimes called the Thrift server although this can lead to confusion because a newer service named HiveServer2 is also built on Thrift.

Thrift's interface definition language (IDL) file for HiveServer is hive_service.thrift, which is installed in $HIVE_HOME/service/if/.


HiveServer cannot handle concurrent requests from more than one client. This is actually a limitation imposed by the Thrift interface that HiveServer exports, and can't be resolved by modifying the HiveServer code.
HiveServer2 is a rewrite of HiveServer that addresses these problems, starting with Hive 0.11.0. See HIVE-2935.


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title0.8 and Later

$ build/dist/bin/hive --service hiveserver --help
usage: hiveserver
 -h,--help                        Print help information
    --hiveconf <property=value>   Use value for given property
    --maxWorkerThreads <arg>      maximum number of worker threads,
    --minWorkerThreads <arg>      minimum number of worker threads,
 -p <port>                        Hive Server port number, default:10000
 -v,--verbose                     Verbose mode

$ bin/hive --service hiveserver
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title0.7 and Earlier

$ build/dist/bin/hive --service hiveserver --help
usage HIVE_PORT=xxxx ./hive --service hiveserver
  HIVE_PORT : Specify the server port

$ bin/hive --service hiveserver

After starting the server, to test if the server is working well, run the hiveserver and jdbc tests in 'standalone' mode. The HIVE_PORT is assumed to be 10000 on localhost for this case.

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$ ant test -Dtestcase=TestJdbcDriver -Dstandalone=true
$ ant test -Dtestcase=TestHiveServer -Dstandalone=true
