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The source code for Apache Kafka System Tools are located

If you are looking for the replication related tools then please checkout the wiki page on Replication tools

Table of Contents

They System tools can be run from the command line using the run class script (i.e. bin/ package.class --options)


required argument: [group]
Option Description
------ -----------
--broker-info Print broker info
--group Consumer group.
--help Print this message.
--topic Comma-separated list of consumer
topics (all topics if absent).
--zkconnect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)

Dump Log Segment

This can print the messages directly from the log files or just verify the indexes correct for the logs


required argument "[files]"

Option Description
------ -----------
--deep-iteration if set, uses deep instead of shallow iteration
--files <file1, file2, ...> REQUIRED: The comma separated list of data and index log files to be dumped
--max-message-size <Integer: size> Size of largest message. (default: 5242880)
--print-data-log if set, printing the messages content when dumping data logs
--verify-index-only if set, just verify the index log without printing its content

Export Zookeeper Offsets

A utility that retrieve the offset of broker partitions in ZK and prints to an output file in the following format:


required argument: [zkconnect]
Option Description
------ -----------
--group Consumer group.
--help Print this message.
--output-file Output file
--zkconnect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)

Get Offset Shell

get offsets for a topic

required argument [broker-list], [topic]
Option Description
------ -----------
--broker-list <hostname:port,..., REQUIRED: The list of hostname and hostname:port> port of the server to connect to.
--max-wait-ms <Integer: ms> The max amount of time each fetch request waits. (default: 1000)
--offsets <Integer: count> number of offsets returned (default: 1)
--partitions <partition ids> comma separated list of partition ids. If not specified, it will find offsets for all partitions (default)
--time <Long: timestamp/-1(latest)/-2 timestamp of the offsets before that (earliest)>
--topic <topic> REQUIRED: The topic to get offset from.

Import Zookeeper Offsets

can import offsets for a topic partitions

file formation is the same as the export  


required argument: [input-file]
Option Description
------ -----------
--help Print this message.
--input-file Input file
--zkconnect ZooKeeper connect string. (default: localhost:2181)