Versions Compared


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If you are looking for the replication related tools then please checkout check out the wiki page on Replication tools


Missing required argument "[consumer.config]"
Option Description
------ -----------
--blacklist <Java regex (String)> Blacklist of topics to migrate from the 0.7 cluster
--consumer.config <config file> Kafka 0.7 consumer config to consume from the source 0.7 cluster. You man specify multiple of these.
--help Print this message.
--kafka.07.jar <kafka 0.7 jar> Kafka 0.7 jar file
--num.producers <Integer: Number of Number of producer instances (default: producers> 1)
--num.streams <Integer: Number of Number of consumer streams (default: 1)consumer threads>
--producer.config <config file> Producer config.
--queue.size <Integer: Queue size in Number of messages that are buffered terms of number of messages> between the 0.7 consumer and 0.8 producer (default: 10000)
--whitelist <Java regex (String)> Whitelist of topics to migrate from the 0.7 cluster
--zkclient.01.jar <zkClient 0.1 jar zkClient 0.1 jar file file required by Kafka 0.7>

Mirror Maker

Provides mirroring of one Kafka cluster to another, for more info check out the wiki page on Kafka mirroring (MirrorMaker)

 required argument [consumer.config]
Option Description
------ -----------
--blacklist <Java regex (String)> Blacklist of topics to mirror.
--consumer.config <config file> Consumer config to consume from a source cluster. You may specify multiple of these.
--help Print this message.
--num.producers <Integer: Number of Number of producer instances (default: producers> 1)
--num.streams <Integer: Number of Number of consumption streams. threads> (default: 1)
--producer.config <config file> Embedded producer config.
--queue.size <Integer: Queue size in Number of messages that are buffered terms of number of messages> between the consumer and producer (default: 10000)
--whitelist <Java regex (String)> Whitelist of topics to mirror.

Replay Log Producer

Consume from one topic and replay those messages and produce to another topic

required argument [broker-list], [input-topic], [output-topic], [zookeeper]
Option Description
------ -----------
--async If set, messages are sent asynchronously.
--batch-size <Integer: batch size> Number of messages to send in a single batch. (default: 200)
--broker-list <hostname:port> REQUIRED: the broker list must be specified.
--compression-codec <Integer: If set, messages are sent compressed compression codec > (default: 0)
--delay-btw-batch-ms <Long: ms> Delay in ms between 2 batch sends. (default: 0)
--inputtopic <input-topic> REQUIRED: The topic to consume from.
--messages <Integer: count> The number of messages to send. (default: -1)
--outputtopic <output-topic> REQUIRED: The topic to produce to
--reporting-interval <Integer: size> Interval at which to print progress info. (default: 5000)
--threads <Integer: threads> Number of sending threads. (default: 1)
--zookeeper <zookeeper url> REQUIRED: The connection string for the zookeeper connection in the form host:port. Multiple URLS can be given to allow fail-over. (default: