Versions Compared


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Comment: Added Netty Http CamelHttpRawQuery header description.



Netty is stream based, which means the input it receives is submitted to Camel as a stream. That means you will only be able to read the content of the stream once.
If you find a situation where the message body appears to be empty or you need to access the data multiple times (eg: doing multicasting, or redelivery error handling)
you should use Stream Cachingcaching or convert the message body to a String which is safe to be re-read multiple times.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->


The URI scheme for a netty component is as follows

Code Block



Wiki Markup
|| Name || Type || Description ||
| {{CamelHttpMethod}} | {{String}} | The HTTP method used, such as GET, POST, TRACE etc. |
| {{CamelHttpUrl}} | {{String}} | The URL including protocol, host and port, etc: {code}{code} |
| {{CamelHttpUri}} | {{String}} | The URI without protocol, host and port, etc: {code}/myapp{code} |
| {{CamelHttpQuery}} | {{String}} | Any query parameters, such as {{foo=bar&beer=yes}} |
| {{CamelHttpRawQuery}} | {{String}} | *Camel 2.13.0*: Any query parameters, such as {{foo=bar&beer=yes}}. Stored in the raw form, as they arrived to the consumer (i.e. before URL decoding). |
| {{CamelHttpPath}} | {{String}} | Additional context-path. This value is empty if the client called the context-path {{/myapp}}. If the client calls {{/myapp/mystuff}}, then this header value is {{/mystuff}}. In other words its the value after the context-path configured on the route endpoint. |
| {{CamelHttpCharacterEncoding}} | {{String}} | The charset from the content-type header. |
| {{CamelHttpAuthentication}} | {{String}} | If the user was authenticated using HTTP Basic then this header is added with the value {{Basic}}. |
| {{Content-Type}} | {{String}} | The content type if provided. For example: {{text/plain; charset="UTF-8"}}. |


This component uses the org.apache.camel.component.netty.http.NettyHttpMessage as the message implementation on the Exchange. This allows end users to get access to the original Netty request/response instances if needed, as shown below:

Code Block

org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest request = exchange.getIn(NettyHttpMessage.class).getHttpRequest();


In the route below we use Netty HTTP as a HTTP server, which returns back a hardcoded "Bye World" message.

Code Block

      .transform().constant("Bye World");

And we can call this HTTP server using Camel also, with the ProducerTemplate as shown below:

Code Block

    String out = template.requestBody("netty-http:http://localhost:8080/foo", "Hello World", String.class);


By default Netty HTTP will only match on exact uri's. But you can instruct Netty to match prefixes. For example

Code Block



So if you want to enable wildcard matching you do as follows:

Code Block



To match any endpoint you can do:

Code Block



Code Block
titleTwo routes sharing the same port

  .transform().constant("Bye World");

  .transform().constant("Bye Camel");


Code Block
titleTwo routes sharing the same port, but the 2nd route is misconfigured and will fail on starting

  .transform().constant("Bye World");

// we cannot have a 2nd route on same port with SSL enabled, when the 1st route is NOT
  .transform().constant("Bye Camel");


By configuring the common server bootstrap option in an single instance of a org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyServerBootstrapConfiguration type, we can use the bootstrapConfiguration option on the Netty HTTP consumers to refer and reuse the same options across all consumers.

Code Block

<bean id="nettyHttpBootstrapOptions" class="org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyServerBootstrapConfiguration">
  <property name="backlog" value="200"/>
  <property name="connectionTimeout" value="20000"/>
  <property name="workerCount" value="16"/>

And in the routes you refer to this option as shown below

Code Block

  <from uri="netty-http:{{port}}/foo?bootstrapConfiguration=#nettyHttpBootstrapOptions"/>

  <from uri="netty-http:{{port}}/bar?bootstrapConfiguration=#nettyHttpBootstrapOptions"/>

  <from uri="netty-http:{{port}}/beer?bootstrapConfiguration=#nettyHttpBootstrapOptions"/>


The Netty HTTP consumer supports HTTP basic authentication by specifying the security realm name to use, as shown below

Code Block

   <from uri="netty-http:{{port}}/foo?securityConfiguration.realm=karaf"/>


For example as shown below in the XML DSL, we define the constraint bean:

Code Block

  <bean id="constraint" class="org.apache.camel.component.netty.http.SecurityConstraintMapping">
    <!-- inclusions defines url -> roles restrictions -->
    <!-- a * should be used for any role accepted (or even no roles) -->
    <property name="inclusions">
        <entry key="/*" value="*"/>
        <entry key="/admin/*" value="admin"/>
        <entry key="/guest/*" value="admin,guest"/>
    <!-- exclusions is used to define public urls, which requires no authentication -->
    <property name="exclusions">


To use this constraint we just need to refer to the bean id as shown below:

Code Block

   <from uri="netty-http:{{port}}/foo?matchOnUriPrefix=true&amp;securityConfiguration.realm=karaf&amp;securityConfiguration.securityConstraint=#constraint"/>

Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also