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titleJavadoc: (org.apache.struts2.sitegraph.SiteGraph)

Additional information can be found in the JavaDocs:

Wiki Markup


  • Boxes: those shaded red indicate an action; those shaded green indicate a view file (JSP, etc).
  • Links: arrows colored green imply that no new HTTP request is being made; black arrows indicate a new HTTP request.
  • Link labels: labels may sometimes contain additional useful information. For example, a label of href means that the link behavior is that of a hyper-text reference. The complete label behaviors are provided:
    • href - a view file references an action by name (typically ending with the extension ".action")
    • action - a view file makes a call to the Action action tag
    • form - a view file is linked to an action using the Form form tag
    • redirect - an action is redirecting to another view or action
    • ! notation - a link to an action overrides the method to invoke


  • The JSP tags must use the "s" namespace.
    • In JSP: <s:xxx/>
    • In FreeMarker: <>
    • In Velocity: N/A
  • Use of the Form form tag and Action action tag must be linking directly to the action name (and optional namespace). This means that <s:form action="foo"/> is OK, but <s:form action="foo.action"/> is not.
    Here is also a short overview of what it does and why a developer would want to use it.


You can use SiteGraph with the following command:

Code Block

java -cp ... -jar struts2-sitegraph-plugin-x.x.x.jar
     -config CONFIG_DIR
     -views VIEWS_DIRS
     -output OUTPUT
     [-ns NAMESPACE]


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup




This plugin doesn't allow for any global settings.
