Versions Compared


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Hi All,
We continue doing the AOO 4.1 Function Verification test(FVT), here is the weekly update (1/18 - 1/24):
Test execution:
1.  New feature testing on comments/Annotations on text ranges - Ongoing
Bug 124079 - The emphasis mark in comment/annotation text is at top text incorrectly when import .docx file to AOO(existed in AOO 3.4.0)

2. Existing feature on 3 APP testing - Ongoing
We have assigned 673(287 last week) test executions to about 28(last week 5) volunteers, and completed about 23%(last week 13.8%) in execution (250 test executions done, last week 150). Although we are still tight to finish feature FVT before Feb 13, we get 23 more test execution volunteers this week, we can speed up hopefully

    Total    Not Run    Passed    Failed    Blocked    Completed [%]       
Debian Linux 64bit    56    7    36    10    3    87.5       
MacOS X    209    184    16    9    0    11.96       
Redhat Linux 32bit    69    67    0    2    0    2.90       
Redhat Linux 64bit    222    201    20    1    0    9.46       
Ubuntu Linux 64bit    167    137    27    3    0    17.96       
Windows 7    180    89    67    21    3    50.56       
Windows 8    182    150    26    5    1    17.58       
Total    1085    835    192    51    7    23.0    

Defect summary:
1. Summay of proposed high priority issues in Bugzilla, the creteria is:  Priority =P1, P2 and Severity = blocker, critical

Issues & quality highlight:
1. We have execution gap in FVT test as lack Mac text execution volunteers in testing, have sent the call in forum for test execution volunteers on Mac and other platfroms(except Linux Redhat 64bit)
2. Build for Mac 64bit and Linux will be available in buildbot and dev snapshot next Monday (Jan 27), informed people to use snapshot build as it contains the lastest stuff for OS X 64bit and also a corresponding installation package for OS X.

Volunteer status:
1. 23 new test execution volunteers(total 28 so far, 18 are for Linux Redhat 64bit) joined on FVT execution work
2. Need defect volunteers to confirm proposed high priority issues in Bugzilla (see above in Defect summary)

Plan for next week:
1. Continue to do FVT test on Mac, Linux and Windows
2. Complete to do testing on comments/Annotations on text ranges
3. Complete to add test cases(BVT level) for IA2 testing in Testlink

A tremendous thanks to you all for offering to assist with the AOO 4.1 FVT, especially John Walicki and other Linux platform testers as your help will fill the gap in testing on Linux Redhat 64bit!
Thanks you all for effort this week, let's continue and make progress next week!

Yu Zhen