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Table of Contents



  • CXF 3.0.0-milestone2 makes it simpler to encrypt the token and other OAuth2 server model state


  • OAuthDataProvider has a new


  • revokeToken() method added  to support the client-driven token revocation
  • AccessTokenValidationService has been enhanced to ensure the validation can proceed only if the authenticated Principal is available.


  • OAuthRequestInterceptor has been added to make it easier for non-JAXRS endpoints to use OAuth2 tokens

CXF provides the implementation of OAuth 2.0. See also the JAX-RS OAuth page for information about OAuth 1.0.


Code Block

public class CustomOAuthDataProvider implements AuthorizationCodeDataProvider {

    public ServerAccessToken createAccessToken(AccessTokenRegistration reg)
		throws OAuthServiceException {

		ServerAccessToken token = new BearerAccessToken(reg.getClient(), 3600L);
		List<String> scope = reg.getApprovedScope().isEmpty() ? reg.getRequestedScope() 
				                                        : reg.getApprovedScope();
		token.setScopes(convertScopeToPermissions(reg.getClient(), scope));
                // persist asor neededencrypt and then return

		return token;
   // other methods are not shown

CustomOAuthDataProvider will also be asked by OAuthRequestFilter to validate the incoming Bearer tokens given that they typically act as database key or key alias, if no Bearer token validator is registered.


Starting from CXF 3.0.0-milestone2 the Hawk scheme is supported instead of MAC (described in the next section). The way it is supported is identical to the way MAC scheme is supported in earlier CXF versions. The only differences are: 'Hawk' replaces 'Mac' in the Authorization header, the Hawk token returned by the server will have 'secret' and 'algorithm' parameters instead of 'mac_key' and 'mac_algorithm' parameters.


The text below applies to CXF up to 3.0.0-milestone2. Starting from 3.0.0-milestone2 MAC scheme is not supported, see above about the Hawk scheme. Support for the MAC scheme will be re-introduced once the OAuth2 working group finishes this effort.

CXF 2.6.2 supports MAC tokens as specified in the latest MAC Access Authentication draft created by Eran Hammer and others. MAC tokens offer an option for clients to demonstrate they 'hold' the token secret issued to them by AccessTokenService.
It is recommended that AccessTokenService endpoint issuing MAC tokens enforces a two-way TLS for an extra protection of the MAC token data returned to clients.

The following code fragment shows how a MacAccessToken utility class can be used to create MAC tokens:


Note that 'access_token' is the MAC key identifier.

MacAccessTokenValidator has to be registered with OAuthRequestFilter for validating the incoming MAC tokens. This validator can get a reference to custom NonceVerifier with CXF possibly shipping a default implementation in the future.
