Versions Compared


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  1. Wiki Markup
    Modify the quartz binding {{servicemix.xml}} file to change it into a service unit. The {{servicemix.xml}} file is located in {{\[servicemix_src_install_dir\]\assembly\target\servicemix-2.0.2\bin\servicemix-2.0.2\examples\quartz-binding}}, where \[servicemix_src_install_dir\] is the directory in which the source distribution of ServiceMix is located.
  2. Create a directory elsewhere, such as \temp\JBIcomponent
  3. Copy servicemix.xml to \temp\JBIcomponent
  4. cd \temp\JBIcomponent
  5. Edit the servicemix.xml file. Change the "container" tags to "serviceunit" and save the file. The file should match the following:
    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
    	xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../conf/spring-beans.xsd
    	<!-- the JBI container -->
    	<sm:serviceunit spring:id="jbi">
    			<!-- lets kick off a timer  every 5 seconds -->
    			<sm:activationSpec componentName="timer" service="my:timer"
    					<bean xmlns=""
    						<property name="triggers">
    										<bean class="org.quartz.SimpleTrigger">
    											<property name="repeatInterval" value="5000" />
    											<property name="repeatCount" value="-1" />
    										<property name="name" value="My Example Job" />
    										<property name="group" value="ServiceMix" />
    			<!-- Route the event to a trace component that just outputs the event to the console -->
    			<sm:activationSpec componentName="trace" service="my:trace">
    					<bean xmlns=""
    						class="org.servicemix.components.util.TraceComponent" />
    This file will be used in a later step.
  6. Two jar files must be created. These jar files will be copied into the ServiceMix deploy directory. The first jar file will contain the service component jbi.xml file. When this is copied to the deploy directory it deploys the ServiceMixComponent component. The second jar file will contain the service assembly and the jbi.xml descriptor file. When it is copied to the deploy directory of ServiceMix it deploys the service unit (Quartz) to the previously deployed component, ServiceMixComponent.
    1. The file service component jbi.xml file should contain:
      Code Block
      <jbi xmlns="" 
        <component type="service-engine">
            <description>A ServiceMix Component that can be used to deploy servicemix.xml artifacts.</description>
    2. Put jbi.xml in an empty META-INF directory and put that into a jar file:
      Code Block
      mkdir META-INF
      copy jbi.xml META-INF
      jar cvf service-component.jar *
    3. Create a zip file of the servicemix.xml file you modified above. The zip file should contain the servicemix.xml file and it should be called to match the name it is called in the jbi.xml file. See the artifacts-name tag in the jbi.xml file for the name of the zip file.
    4. Create the second jar file--this is the service assembly jar file. It will contain another jbi.xml file that is used for the service assembly and it will also contain the zip file, in the following structure:
      The service assembly jbi.xml should be match the following:
      Code Block
      <jbi xmlns="" 
             <description>Sample AU</description>
      Copy the jbi.xml file to an empty META-INF directory, then create the jar file:
      Code Block
      In a directory which contains these files, create the jar file:
      jar cvf sa_quartz.jar *
  7. Wiki Markup
    Deploy the two jar files.  Copy {{service_component.jar}} and {{sa_quartz.jar}} to {{\[servicemix_src_install_dir\]\assembly\target\servicemix-2.0.\bin\servicemix-2.0.2\deploy}}. This can be done while ServiceMix is running or while ServiceMix is not running. In the second case, run ServiceMix to see the deployment. Output will be similar to:
    Code Block
    h3. Deploying Components on servicemix-web.war
    This section is on hold until the Jira issue:  is fixed.
    h3. Deploying JBI Components on Geronimo Using the Geronimo Deployment Tool
    This section discusses using the Geronimo deployment tool to deploy components. This is separate from the previous sections
    dealing with the servicemix-web.war file. When the deployment tool is fully developed this will be the preferred method.
    Currently only geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT can be used to perform this method. 
    The JBI spec describes in detail how to create a valid JBI deployment unit.  In essence, it is a jar file with a META-INF/jbi.xml with other resource jars inside it.  Please see [Deployment Units] for more information.
    # Make sure that your geronimo server is running.
    # Run the geronimo deploy tool against your deployment unit (in this case jbcomponent.jar): 
    java -jar
    ServiceMixComponent: deploy
    ServiceMixComponent: init: SU_1 path: C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\..\wdir
    [INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:C:/tmp1/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT/target/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Bean factory for application context [
    Context;hashCode=3682584]: defining beans [jbi]; root of BeanFactory hi
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -1 beans defined in application context [
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default [org.springframework.conte]
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using defaul
    t [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@f1916f]
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [
    actory defining beans [jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy]
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'
    ServiceMixComponent: start: SU_1
    [INFO] JBIContainer - -Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=timer,id=timer] with service: {}timer
     component: org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07
    [INFO] SimpleThreadPool - -Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: main
    [INFO] RAMJobStore - -RAMJobStore initialized.
    [INFO] StdSchedulerFactory - -Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz package: '
    [INFO] StdSchedulerFactory - -Quartz scheduler version: 1.4.0
    [INFO] ComponentContextImpl - -Component: timer activated endpoint: {}timer : timer
    [INFO] JBIContainer - -Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=trace,id=trace] with service: {}trace
     component: org.servicemix.components.util.TraceComponent@8b8a47
    [INFO] ComponentContextImpl - -Component: trace activated endpoint: {}trace : trace
    [INFO] DeploymentService - -Deployed ServiceUnit SU_1 to Component: servicemix-component
    [INFO] AutoDeploymentService - -Unpacked archive C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\
    bin\..\deploy\comp.jar to C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\..\wdir\defaultJBI\
    [INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/C:/tmp1/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT/target/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHO
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Bean factory for application context [
    Context;hashCode=29071960]: defining beans [installationDescriptorExten
    sion,jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -2 beans defined in application context [
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default [org.springframework.conte]
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using defaul
    t [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@db23f1]
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [
    actory defining beans [installationDescriptorExtension,jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy]
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'installationDescriptorExtension'
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'
    [INFO] AutoDeploymentService - -Unpacked archive C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\
    bin\..\deploy\sa_quartz.jar to C:\tmp1\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\target\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT\bin\..\wdir\defaul
    [INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/C:/tmp1/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHOT/target/servicemix-1.1-SNAPSHO
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Bean factory for application context [
    Context;hashCode=876215]: defining beans [jbi]; root of BeanFactory hie
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -1 beans defined in application context [
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default [org.springframework.conte]
    [INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using defaul
    t [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@770d2e]
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [
    actory defining beans [jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy]
    [INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'
    [INFO] JBIContainer - -ServiceMix JBI Container ( name: defaultJBI running version: ServiceMix.
    [INFO] DeliveryChannel - -default destination serviceName for timer = {}trace
    [INFO] QuartzScheduler - -Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@a7dd39 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normaliz
    edMessageImpl@acdd02{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
    Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:05 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'null nextFireTime: Th
    u Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.My Example Job':  jobClass
    : 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsRecovers: false, org.servicem
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@19ecd80 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normali
    zedMessageImpl@c5aa00{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
     Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:05
    PST 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.M
    y Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsReco
    vers: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@11c0d60 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normali
    zedMessageImpl@b23d12{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
     Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06
    PST 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.M
    y Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsReco
    vers: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@1cd280b received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normali
    zedMessageImpl@29ac{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My E
    xample Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:06 PS
    T 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.My
    Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsRecove
    rs: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@b0095d received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normaliz
    edMessageImpl@136d9d8{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
     Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:07
    PST 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.M
    y Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsReco
    vers: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:07 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@1827d1 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normaliz
    edMessageImpl@1de45e2{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.My
     Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:07
    PST 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.M
    y Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsReco
    vers: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Exchange: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.InOnlyImpl@1be2893 received IN message: org.servicemix.jbi.messaging.Normali
    zedMessageImpl@159e154{properties: {org.servicemix.quartz.context=JobExecutionContext: trigger: 'ServiceMix.My Example Job job: ServiceMix.M
    y Example Job fireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005 scheduledFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005 previousFireTime: 'Thu Dec 08 14:15:08
     PST 2005 nextFireTime: Thu Dec 08 14:15:09 PST 2005 isRecovering: false refireCount: 0, org.servicemix.quartz.detail=JobDetail 'ServiceMix.
    My Example Job':  jobClass: 'org.servicemix.components.quartz.ServiceMixJob isStateful: false isVolatile: false isDurable: false requestsRec
    overs: false, org.servicemix.component=org.servicemix.components.quartz.QuartzComponent@1ecfe07}}
    [INFO] TraceComponent - -Body is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><timer><name>My Example Job</name><group>ServiceMix</group><fullname
    >ServiceMix.My Example Job</fullname><description/><fireTime>Thu Dec 08 14:15:08 PST 2005</fireTime></timer>
    Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y

Deploying Components on servicemix-web.war

This section is on hold until the Jira issue: is fixed.

Deploying JBI Components on Geronimo Using the Geronimo Deployment Tool

This section discusses using the Geronimo deployment tool to deploy components. This is separate from the previous sections
dealing with the servicemix-web.war file. When the deployment tool is fully developed this will be the preferred method.
Currently only geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT can be used to perform this method.

The JBI spec describes in detail how to create a valid JBI deployment unit. In essence, it is a jar file with a META-INF/jbi.xml with other resource jars inside it. Please see Deployment Units for more information.

  1. Make sure that your geronimo server is running.
  2. Run the geronimo deploy tool against your deployment unit (in this case jbcomponent.jar):
    Code Block
    java -jar geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy jbcomponent.jar 
    Code Block












































Code Block


11:44:24,865 INFO  [Configuration] Started configuration example-engine-1


11:44:24,869 INFO  [ServiceMixDeployment] Starting: /Users/chirino/sandbox/geronimo/modules/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/config-store/20/META-INF/jbi.xml




11:44:25,783 INFO  [DefaultListableBeanFactory] Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'


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