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At times you may need to delete a service or all host components on a host. This article talks about how to do that using APIs. Be aware of losing data when performing any delete operations. Ensure that your data is backed up and decommissioning of nodes are performed as needed.

From 1.4.3 onwards you need to add "X-Requested-By" header to all curl calls.

E.g. curl -i -uadmin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -d '{"HostRoles": { "state": "STARTED"}}' -X PUT 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/host_components?HostRoles/stale_configs=false

Removing a Service (1.4.1)


1. Note all the host components associated with the service.

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X GET  http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/SERVICENAME


Stop the whole service (ensure correct values are provided for AMBARI_SERVER_HOST, SERVICE_NAME):

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo":{"context":"Stop Service"},"Body":{"ServiceInfo":{"state":"INSTALLED"}}}' http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/SERVICE_NAME

Stop individual components (ensure correct values are provided for AMBARI_SERVER_HOST, HOSTNAME, COMPONENT_NAME): 

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo":{"context":"Stop Component"},"Body":{"HostRoles":{"state":"INSTALLED"}}}' http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/COMPONENT_NAME

3. Delete the whole SERVICE

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE  http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/SERVICENAME


1. Note all the host components associated with the service.

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X GET  http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/SERVICENAME


Stop the whole service (ensure correct values are provided for AMBARI_SERVER_HOST, SERVICE_NAME):

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo":{"context":"Stop Service"},"Body":{"ServiceInfo":{"state":"INSTALLED"}}}' http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/SERVICE_NAME

Stop individual components (ensure correct values are provided for AMBARI_SERVER_HOST, HOSTNAME, COMPONENT_NAME): 

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo":{"context":"Stop Component"},"Body":{"HostRoles":{"state":"INSTALLED"}}}' http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/COMPONENT_NAME

3. Put MASTER and SLAVE components into MAINTENANCE mode

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"HostRoles": {"state": "MAINTENANCE"}}' http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/COMPONENTNAME

4. Delete MASTER and SLAVE components

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE  http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/COMPONENTNAME

5. Delete the whole SERVICE

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE  http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/SERVICENAME


1. Get a list of host components mapped to the host

Code Block

 curl -u admin:admin -X GET  http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/c1/hosts/HOSTNAME

See the property, "host_components"  for all the host.


Code Block

"host_components" : [
      "href" : "http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/CLUSTERNAME/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/DATANODE",
      "HostRoles" : {
        "cluster_name" : "CLUSTERNAME",
        "component_name" : "DATANODE",
        "host_name" : "HOSTNAME"
      "href" : "http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/CLUSTERNAME/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/GANGLIA_MONITOR",
      "HostRoles" : {
        "cluster_name" : "CLUSTERNAME",
        "component_name" : "GANGLIA_MONITOR",
        "host_name" : "HOSTNAME"


2. DELETE all host components mapped to this host

Code Block

 E.g. Delete DATANODE
curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/CLUSTERNAME/hosts/HOSTNAME/host_components/DATANODE

3. DELETE the host

Code Block

curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE http://AMBARI_SERVER_HOST:8080/api/v1/clusters/CLUSTERNAME/hosts/HOSTNAME