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2. Embedded - this is a static configuration used mainly for testing or perhaps for encapsulating ServiceMix into a web application. This uses the servicemix.xml file to configure components thare are only deployed when ServiceMix is started, not at runtime. You cannot deploy service units to this type of ServiceMix configuration at runtime. You would have to shutdown, reconfigure and then restart.

This tutorial focuses on deploying lightweight components to the servicemix-lwcontainer.

First some background. Just a brief background: A JBI component is either a service engine (SE) or a binding component (BC). These terms are defined in Introduction to ESB and/or the Glossary. A BC/SE is installed on ServiceMix by copying it into the install directory which resides under the ServiceMix home directory. So what gets deployed? JBI components can act as containers themselves. Artifacts can be deployed to an existing BC or SE to add more functionality to that component. Adding artifacts to installed components is called deployment. To deploy artifacts to a component the artifacts can be placed in the deploy directory under the ServiceMix home directory. A term that is important to know is service assembly. A service assembly is a collection of deployment artifacts and metadata. A service unit is a single deployment artifact which is deployed on a single component. For deployment to happen, the artifacts must be in a very specific format, which is specified in the JSR 208 specification. Please see chapter 6 of the JSR 208 specification for more details.
