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Available as of Camel 2.3

The Nagios component allows you to send passive checks to Nagios.

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block
    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format

Code Block

Camel provides two abilities with the Nagios component. You can send passive check messages by sending a message to its endpoint.
Camel also provides a EventNotifer which allows you to send notifications to Nagios.


Wiki Markup
|| Name || Default Value || Description ||
| {{host}} | none | This is the address of the [Nagios] host where checks should be send. |
| {{port}} | | The port number of the host. |
| {{password}} | | Password to be authenticated when sending checks to Nagios. |
| {{connectionTimeout}} | 5000 | Connection timeout in millis. |
| {{timeout}} | 5000 | Sending timeout in millis. |
| {{nagiosSettings}} | | To use an already configured {{com.googlecode.jsendnsca.core.NagiosSettings}} object. Then any of the other options are not in use, if using this. |
| {{sendSync}} | {{true}} | Whether or not to use synchronous when sending a passive check. Setting it to {{false}} will allow Camel to continue routing the message and the passive check message will be send asynchronously. |
| {{encryptionMethod}} | {{No}} | *Camel 2.9:* To specify an encryption method. Possible values: {{No}}, {{Xor}}, or {{TripleDes}}. |


Wiki Markup
|| Name || Description ||
| {{CamelNagiosHostName}} | This is the address of the [Nagios] host where checks should be send. This header will override any existing hostname configured on the endpoint. |
| {{CamelNagiosLevel}} | This is the severity level. You can use values {{CRITICAL, WARNING, OK}}. Camel will by default use {{OK}}. |
| {{CamelNagiosServiceName}} | The servie name. Will default use the [CamelContext] name. |

Sending message examples

You can send a message to Nagios where the message payload contains the message. By default it will be OK level and use the CamelContext name as the service name. You can overrule these values using headers as shown above.

For example we send the Hello Nagios message to Nagios as follows:

Code Block
    template.sendBody("direct:start", "Hello Nagios");


To send a CRITICAL message you can send the headers such as:

Code Block
        Map headers = new HashMap();
        headers.put(NagiosConstants.LEVEL, "CRITICAL");
        headers.put(NagiosConstants.HOST_NAME, "myHost");
        headers.put(NagiosConstants.SERVICE_NAME, "myService");
        template.sendBodyAndHeaders("direct:start", "Hello Nagios", headers);

Using NagiosEventNotifer

The Nagios component also provides an EventNotifer which you can use to send events to Nagios. For example we can enable this from Java as follows:

Code Block
        NagiosEventNotifier notifier = new NagiosEventNotifier();

        CamelContext context = ... 
        return context;

In Spring XML its just a matter of defining a Spring bean with the type EventNotifier and Camel will pick it up as documented here: Advanced configuration of CamelContext using Spring.

Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also