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Note: The Geronimo deployment tool is currently under development, so this document is not complete, but is provided to give a preview of what is coming. This document will be completed when the underlying code is ready. If you are interested in this topic and how it progresses, please "watch" this page for future changes. To do so, click on "watch" in the upper right corner.

In the meantime, the ServiceMix on Geronimo deployment shown here is of the servicemix-web.war file. The Tomcat web application server is integrated with Geronimo as part of the Geronimo distribution. Therefore, when the servicemix-web.war file is deployed on Geronimo, it is being handed off to Tomcat by Geronimo. Additionally, the war file uses lightweight components, which are those components defined in a servicemix.xml file. Ultimately, the ServiceMix deployment on Geronimo will use heavyweight components. Heavyweight components accept service unit deployments, such as PXE.
The document is divided into two major sections. The first section discusses deploying ServiceMix on Geronimo. While the Geronimo deployment tool is under development this section shows how to deploy the ServiceMix web war file onto Geronimo. The second major section discusses how to deploy binding components and service engine components on ServiceMix, which is running on Geronimo.


  1. Wiki Markup
    Modify the quartz binding {{servicemix.xml}} file to change it into a service unit. The {{servicemix.xml}} file is located in {{\[servicemix_src_install_dir\]\assembly\target\servicemix-2.0.2\bin\servicemix-2.0.2\examples\quartz-binding}}, where \[servicemix_src_install_dir\] is the directory in which the source distribution of ServiceMix is located.
  2. Create a directory elsewhere, such as \temp\JBIcomponent
  3. Copy servicemix.xml to \temp\JBIcomponent
  4. cd \temp\JBIcomponent
  5. Edit the servicemix.xml file. Change the "container" tag tags to "serviceunit" and save the file. The file should match the following:
    Code Block
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
    	xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../conf/spring-beans.xsd
    	<!-- the JBI container -->
    	<sm:serviceunit spring:id="jbi">
    			<!-- lets kick off a timer  every 5 seconds -->
    			<sm:activationSpec componentName="timer" service="my:timer"
    					<bean xmlns=""
    						<property name="triggers">
    										<bean class="org.quartz.SimpleTrigger">
    											<property name="repeatInterval" value="5000" />
    											<property name="repeatCount" value="-1" />
    										<property name="name" value="My Example Job" />
    										<property name="group" value="ServiceMix" />
    			<!-- Route the event to a trace component that just outputs the event to the console -->
    			<sm:activationSpec componentName="trace" service="my:trace">
    					<bean xmlns=""
    						class="org.servicemix.components.util.TraceComponent" />

  6. Two jar files must be created. These jar files will be copied into the ServiceMix deploy directory.
    The first jar file will contain the service component jbi.xml file. When this is copied to the deploy directory it deploys the ServiceMixComponent component. The second jar file will contain the service assembly and the jbi.xml descriptor file. When it is copied to the deploy directory of ServiceMix it deploys the service unit (Quartz) to the previously deployed component, ServiceMixComponent.
    The file should contain:
    Code Block
    <jbi xmlns="" 
      <component type="service-engine">
          <description>A ServiceMix Component that can be used to deploy servicemix.xml artifacts.</description>
    1. Put jbi.xml in an empty META-INF directory and put that into a jar file:
      Code Block
      jar cvf service-component.jar *
    2. Then create a zip file of the servicemix.xml file you modified above. The zip file should contain the servicemix.xml file and it should be called to match the name it is called in the jbi.xml file.
    3. Create the second jar file--this is the service assembly jar file. It will contain another jbi.xml file that is used for the service assembly and it will also contain the zip file, in this structure:
      Code Block
      The service assembly jbi.xml should be similar to the following:
      Code Block
      <jbi xmlns="" 
             <description>Sample AU</description>
      Copy the jbi.xml file to the META-INF directory, then create the jar file:
      Code Block
      jar cvf sa_quartz.jar *
  7. I copied only this file to the deploy directory on 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT and get:
    Code Block
    [INFO] JBIContainer - Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=servicemix-component,id=servicemix-component] with service: null
    component: org.servicemix.components.servicemix.ServiceMixComponent@1a1bc40
    ServiceMixComponent: init
    [INFO] AutoDeploymentService - Directory: deploy: Finished installation of archive:  service-component.jar
  8. Then I copy the sa_quartz.jar file in:
    Code Block
  9. Wiki Markup
    Finally, to *deploy*, copy sa_quartz.jar and service-component.jar to the {{deploy}} directory of ServiceMix. The deploy directory is located in {{\[servicemix_install_dir\]\deploy}}, where {{\[servicemix_install_dir\]}} is the location in which ServiceMix was installed.
  10. If ServiceMix is already running, look at the console window output to see the deployment. If ServiceMix has not been started, start it and monitor the console window output.
