Versions Compared


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Verify the Code's License Headers

Code Block
cd /tmp/cloudstack/apache-cloudstack-4.3.0-src
mvn --projects='org.apache.cloudstack:cloudstack' org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:0.8:check

The build should FAIL if there are any non-compliant files that are not specifically excluded from the ASF license header requirement. You can optionally review the target/rat.txt file after the run completes. If the build passes, RAT is saying that we are compliant and this test passes.

Compile and Start Management Server

Note: If you're on Ubuntu and using the PPA:natecarlson/maven3 (viz. Installing tools above), you've to use mvn3 instead of mvn, so mvn3 -P deps

Code Block
mvn -P developer,systemvm clean install
mvn -P developer -pl developer,tools/devcloud -Ddeploydb
mvn -pl :cloud-client-ui jetty:run

Configure CloudStack management server

Need to set router.version.check to false in the global configuration page, after management server is up to workaround a devcloud issue, and then restart management server.

Once the management server starts on your local machine, execute the following commands to bring up a basic zone using the devcloud2 VM:

Deploy DevCloud (make sure mysql-connector-python is installed and that the management server is running)

Code Block
$ mvn -P developer -pl tools/devcloud -Ddeploysvr

Or, if the above does not work, maybe you're running mvn in debug mode using some MAVEN_OPTS, try marvin:

Code Block
$ cd tools/devcloud; python ../marvin/marvin/ -i devcloud.cfg

The above will deploy a zone with settings defined in tools/devcloud/devcloud.cfg which sets some global settings and will take some time. After this, you should restart management server and destroy any system vms which may have started for the global settings to take effect.

Validate the UI

Access web UI: http://localhost:8080/client, and login with admin/password. You can tell if the SSVM has been started by navigating to the Infrastructure page, and clicking on System VMs.  There should be 2 listed, and their status needs to be displayed as "Started".

Add a new instance:

  • In the first step of "Add instance " wizard, select template,
  • In step 2, select "tiny Linux"
  • In step 3, select "tinyOffering"
  • In step 4, select "No thanks"
  • Skip step 5 and 6.
  • Launch VM

Test other functionality, to suite your tastes (and perhaps using non-DevCloud infrastructure.

Validate AWSAPI interface

In a separate terminal run:

Code Block
mvn -Pawsapi -pl :cloud-awsapi jetty:run

Via the UI:
1. Destroy any running instances
2. Rename the tinyoffering compute offering 'm1.small'

Then using the access key and secret key of your admin user run the following python script:

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python

import boto
import boto.ec2

region = boto.ec2.regioninfo.RegionInfo(name="ROOT", endpoint="localhost")
conn = boto.connect_ec2(aws_access_key_id=accesskey, aws_secret_access_key=secretkey, is_secure=False, region=region, port=7080, path="/awsapi", api_version="2012-08-15")

print images

res = images[0].run(instance_type='m1.small',security_groups=['default'])

If the keys have changed, using the above script verbatim won't work. Make sure to update the keys.


If we made it this far, the release has at least been reasonably "smoke tested".