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No Format
wadl2java -p <package-name> -sp <[schema-namespace =]package-name>* 
          -tMap <schema-type = java-type>* -repMap <media-type = java-type>*
          -resource <resource-name> -b <binding-file-name>* -catalog <catalog-file-name> 
          -d <output-directory> -compile -classdir <compile-classes-directory> -interface -impl 
          -noTypes -inheritResourceParams -generateEnums -supportMultipleXmlReps 
          -generateResponse<methodNames>generateResponseIfHeadersSet -generateResponseForMethods<methodNames>* -async<methodNames>* -xjc<xjc-arguments>* 
          -h -v -verbose -quiet <wadl>

Note 'tMap', 'repMap', 'noTypes' and 'inheritResourceParams' options are supported starting from CXF 2.6.3, 'noVoidForEmptyResponses' - from 2.6.4, '-async' - from 2.7.1, '-xjc' - from 2.7.4,

'responseTypegenerateResponseForMethods' and 'generateResponseIfHeadersSet' - from 2.7.12/3.0.0

The options are reviewed in the following table.




Displays the online help for this utility and exits.

-p PackageName

Specifies the package name of root resource classes

-sp [ schema-namespace= ] PackageName

Specifies one or more package names corresponding to individual schema namespaces

-resource RootResourceName

Specifies a full name of root resource class if WADL contains a single resource


Default option unless -impl option is used - Java interfaces with JAX-RS annotations are generated


Generates starting implementation code. Can also be used with -interface option


Requests that no schema generation is needed. Can also be used with -tMap option

-tMap schema-type=java-type

Provides mapping between schema elements and java types

-repMap media-type=java-type

Provides mapping between media types and java types

-b binding-name

Specifies JAXB binding files. Use multiple -b flags to specify multiple entries.

-catalog catalog-file-name

Specifies catalog file to map referenced wadl/schemas

-d output-directory

Specifies the directory into which the generated code files are written.


Compiles generated Java files.

-classdir compile-class-dir

Specifies the directory into which the compiled class files are written.


Generate JAX-RS Response instead of 'void' for methods with no response representations.


Get current resource-level path or matrix parameters added to generated methods for all descendant resources.


Generates Java enums for parameters with options.


Generates separate method for every XML representation in a single WADL request element.

-generateResponseIfHeadersSetGenerates JAX-RS Response method response type if  WADL response element for a given method has 'header' parameters
-generateResponseForMethods -generateResponse methodNamesGenerates JAX-RS Response method response type, methodNames is a comma-separated list of WADL method name or id attributes

-async methodNames

Adds JAX-RS 2.0 AsyncResponse parameter to generated methods, methodNames is a comma-separated list of WADL method name or id attributes

-xjc<xjc args>

Specifies a comma separated list of arguments that are passed directly to the XJC processor, example -xjc-Xts.


The path and name of the WADL file to use in generating the code.


The 'repMap' option is similar and provides a mapping between the representations of a given media type and Java type. For example, if one has to process different XML representations in one method, a mapping like '-repMap application/xml=javax.xml.transform.Source' will work, affecting declarations like "<wadl:representation mediaTpe='application/xml'". Similarly CXF org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.MultipartBody class can be linked to 'multipart/form-data' representations, etc.

The 'generateResponsegenerateResponseForMethods' and 'async' options accept a comma separated list of method names, providing a single '*' (no quotes) as a method name will get these options affecting all of the generated methods.
