Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The ConceptSimilarityServiceImpl java program accepts a list of concept pairs, and outputs their similarities in a tab-delimited format. It accepts the following arguments:

Java Command Line Arguments:

  • -Dytex.conceptGraphName: to override the default concept graph name (defined in, by default sct-msh-csp-aod). e.g. -Dytex.conceptGraphName=umls to use the umls concept graph.
  • -Xmx<memory>: set the java heap size.  The amount of memory needed depends on the concept graph.  For the sct-msh-csp-aod graph, 500 mb is sufficient (-Xmx500m), the larger UMLS concept graph requires 1.2GB (-Xmx1200m)

ConceptSimilarityServiceImpl Command Line Arguments:

  • -metrics: required, comma separated list of metrics (see above in for valid values)
  • -out: optional file to send output to. if not specified will send output to standard out.
  • -lcs: should the least common subsumer and paths be output for each concept pair?
  • -concepts: a list of concept pairs, or a file with concept pairs. For a file place each concept pair on a separate line, separate concepts by whitespace or commas. For a list of concept pairs, separate each concept by a comma, each pair by a semicolon:
Code Block
java -cp %CLASSPATH% -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/%CTAKES_HOME%/config/log4j.xml -Xmx1gXmx500m org.apache.ctakes.ytex.kernel.metric.ConceptSimilarityServiceImpl -concepts C0018787,C0024109;C0034069,C0242379 -metrics LCH,INTRINSIC_LCH


Web Interface

To start the Semantic Similarity Web Application, run CTAKES_HOME\bin\ytexweb.bat (windows) or CTAKES_HOME\bin\ (linux) and open http://localhost:8080/semanticSim.jsf.
