Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


From a command shell, go to the File Binding example directory:

Code Block
cd [SM:servicemix_install_dir]\examples\file-binding


Code Block
copy test-file.xml inbox

Then type:

Code Block
[SM:servicemix_install_dir]\bin\servicemix servicemix.xml


..\..\bin\servicemix servicemix.xml

After a few seconds, the sample_xxx.xmlfile will appear in the outbox directory. To see this open another command window and do a directory listing on the outbox directory, for example:

Code Block
dir [SM:servicemix_install_dir]\examples\file-binding\outbox


Code Block
ServiceMix ESB: 1.0.1

Loading ServiceMix from file: servicemix.xml
[SM:INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from file [C:\Program Files\servicemix-1.0.1\examples\file-binding\servicemi.xml]
[SM:INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Bean factory for application context [
Context;hashCode=7486844]: defining beans [SM:workManager,jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy
[SM:INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -2 beans defined in application context
[SM:INFO] CollectionFactory - -JDK 1.4+ collections available
[SM:INFO] CollectionFactory - -Commons Collections 3.x available
[SM:INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default [SM:org.springframework.conte]
[SM:INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - -Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using defaul
t [SM:org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@4fce71]
[SM:INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [
actory defining beans [SM:workManager,jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy]
[SM:INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'workManager'
[SM:INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jbi'
Created MBeanServer with ID: 203c31:106bd250a5b:-7fff:Lisas:1
[SM:INFO] SpringInitialContextFactory - -Loading JNDI context from: class path resource [SM:jndi.xml]
[SM:INFO] XmlBeanDefinitionReader - -Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [SM:jndi.xml]
[SM:INFO] XmlBeanFactory - -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jndi'
RMIConnectorServer started at: service:jmx:rmi://lisas/jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/defaultJBIJMX
[SM:INFO] JBIContainer - -ServiceMix JBI Container ( name: defaultJBI running version: ServiceMix.
[SM:INFO] JBIContainer - -Activating component for: [SM:container=defaultJBI,name=fileSender,id=fileSender] with service: fileSender component: org.servicemix.components.file.FileWriter@b1cc87
[SM:INFO] ComponentContextImpl - -Component: fileSender activated endpoint: fileSender : fileSender
[SM:INFO] JBIContainer - -Activating component for: [SM:container=defaultJBI,name=filePoller,id=filePoller] with service: filePoller component: or
[SM:INFO] ComponentContextImpl - -Component: filePoller activated endpoint: filePoller : filePoller
[SM:INFO] DeliveryChannel - -default destination serviceName for filePoller = fileSender
