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  1. ServiceMix should be running first. Please see the #Getting Started Guide for instructions on running ServiceMix.
  2. Run jconsole JConsole from a command shell. The JConsole executable can be found in the bin directory of the J2SE installation directory.
    Code Block
    cd [J2SE_install_dir]\bin
  3. Click on the Advanced tab. Enter the following in the Form:
    Code Block
    JMX URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/defaultJBIJMX
    h3. Testing JConsole with ServiceMix
    To see JConsole in action, start one of the ServiceMix examples running, for instance, the
    Basic Example:
    cd servicemix_install_dir\examples\basic
    ..\..\bin\servicemix servicemix.xml
    Code Block
    Then run JConsole and 
    To enable JMX remoting with Java 5 on some platforms the JAVA_OPTS environment variable needs to be set first. There's no need to set this on OS X or Windows:
    export JAVA_OPTS=""
    Code Block
    Then run JConsole
    Code Block
    Go to the advanced tab and enter the JMX Service URL
    then you should see all of the ServiceMix MBeans in the console.
    h3. Using MC4J
    When you want to get at the ServiceMix MBeans using MC4J use *JSR160* as your server connection type and the above default JMX Service URL as your server URL.
    {panel:title= MC4J - JMX Console|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#ccc}
    {panel:title= MC4J - JMX Console view 2|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#ccc}
    h3. ServiceMix JMX Console
    ServiceMix comes with a WAR which can be deployed, including ServiceMix inside any Servlet / J2EE application server in a standard deployment unit. The added benefit of the ServiceMix WAR is it includes a simple JMX operational console as well allowing your web browser to view JMX attributes and statistics.
    To create the ServiceMix WAR from a fresh checkout of the code try this
    cd servicemix/tooling/servicemix-web
    maven war
    Code Block
