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Apache Geronimo comes with a series of components already installed. These components can be customized for your Geronimo installation in particular as there may be functionality you are not interested in or additional features you may want to install.
Use the deploy list-modules command to get a list of the modules in your Geronimo system. The format of the output is generally org.apache.geronimo.configs/module-name/2.0.1/car. In the table below, only module-name is given.
To see module dependencies and hierarchies, see the Debug Views of the Administration Console, particularly the Dependency Viewer and ClassLoader Viewer. Note that in this latter view, you can invert the dependency tree.
#Descriptions from configs/*/pom.xml
Out of the box Geronimo comes with the following system modules:
Merged Table
Module | pom Name | Started | Description | pom Description |
activemq-broker | ActiveMQ Broker | + | The ActiveMQ Message Queueing Service | Apache ActiveMQ integration into geronimo. This module starts an activemq broker embedded in geronimo. |
activemq-ra | ActiveMQ Resource Adapter | + | Resource Adapter for the ActiveMQ Messaging Service | Geronimo ActiveMQ integration: ActiveMQ resource adapter connecting to (embedded) activemq broker. |
axis | Axis |
| The Axis web services provider in the saever. | Apache Axis 1 integration. |
axis2 | Axis2 |
| The Axis2 web services engine. | Geronimo Web Services Apache Axis2 integration |
axis2-deployer | Axis2 Deployer | + | The Axis2 Web Services Deployer | Geronimo web services deployer for Axis 2 |
axis-deployer | Axis Deployer | + | The Axis Web Services Deployer | Web Services Deployer for Geronimo Axis 1 integration |
ca-helper-tomcat | CA Helper app - Tomcat |
| This is a helper application for CA to enable receiving CSR's through and uploading certificates to web browsers. |
client | J2EE Client | Never | Used by the server to support the application client. Don't start this module! |
client-corba-yoko | Corba J2EE Client | Never | Used by the server to provide CORBA connectivity support for the application client. Don't start this module! |
client-deployer | Application Client Deployments | + | Application Client Deployer |
client-security | J2EE Client Security | Never | Used by the server to provide security support for the application client. Don't start this module! |
client-system | Client System | Never | Used by the server to provide basic application client support. Don't start this module! |
client-transaction | J2EE Client transaction | Never | Used by the server to provide transaction support for the application client. Don't start this module! |
connector-deployer | Connector Deployer | + | Resource Connector Deployer | Deployer for J2CA connectors |
cxf | CXF |
| The CXF web services container. Typically, either Axis or CXF is used in the server to provide web services support, so only one of them is started. | Geronimo Web Services Apache CXF integration |
cxf-deployer | CXF Deployer |
| The CXF deployer of web services assets in the server. | Geronimo JAX-WS deployer for Apache CXF |
dojo-tomcat | Dojo app - Tomcat | + | Dojo support for DHTML | The Dojo AJAX library for Geronimo. This binds to /dojo so that applications needing to add dojo support can simply include a reference to /dojo/dojo.js to enable Dojo support. |
geronimo-gbean-deployer | GBean Deployer | + | GBean Deployer |
hot-deployer | Hot Deployer | + | The hot deployer is a bad substitute for using explicit deploy commands from maven, the command line, or the console. | |
j2ee-corba-yoko | J2EE Corba Yoko ORB | + | The Yoko ORB that provides CORBA connectivity support for the server. | Yoko Orb server setup with naming service, protected orb, and unprotected orb. |
j2ee-deployer | J2EE Deployer | + | Deployer for J2EE assets except web assets. | Basic JavaEE deployer functionality including the ear deployer. |
j2ee-security | J2EE Security | + | Server security support, including security realms for the administration console. | Basic Geronimo server security infrastructure |
j2ee-server | J2EE Server | + | Basic J2EE server support, including GBeans that start a web container, an EJB container, and a J2EE connector service | Basic geronimo JavaEE support components including the transaction manager and connector framework. |
j2ee-system | J2EE System | + | Contains basic services, like logging and configuration store. The first module to start during server startup, it serves as the parent mdoule (directly or indirectly) for all other modules. | Base geronimo server that sets up the kernel. |
jasper | Jasper | + | Provides Jasper Report services. | Geronimo Jasper jsp integration including injection support. |
jasper-deployer | Jasper Deployer | + | Deploys Jasper Report assets into the server. | Deployer for Jasper jsps. Installs injection support components. |
javamail | JavaMail | + | Provides JavaMail support in the server, including SMTP. | Geronimo JavaMail support |
jaxws-deployer | JAXWS Deployer | + | Deploys JAX-WS web service assets in the server. | Base configuration for JAX-WS Web services. |
jee-specs | JavaEE Specs | + |
| The JavaEE spec jars in a single classloader. |
jsr88-cli | JSR88 CLI |
| Enables JSR-88 deployment from a command line. |
jsr88-deploymentfactory | JSR88 DeploymentFactory |
| Enables JSR-88 deployment. |
jsr88-ear-configurer | JSR88 EAR Configurer |
| Allows EAR deployment via JSR-88. |
jsr88-jar-configurer | JSR88 JAR Configurer |
| Allows JAR deployment via JSR-88. |
jsr88-rar-configurer | JSR88 RAR Configurer | + |
jsr88-war-configurer | JSR88 WAR Configurer |
| Allows WAR deployment via JSR-88. |
myfaces | MyFaces | + | Provides Java Server Faces (JSF) support for the server. | Geronimo MyFaces jsf integration |
myfaces-deployer | MyFaces Deployer | + | Deploys Java Server Faces (JSF) assets to the server. |
offline-deployer | Offline Deployer | Never | Used to deploy assets to the server when the server is not running. | Offline deployer |
online-deployer | Online Deployer |
| Geronimo Online Deployer |
openejb | OpenEJB | + | The OpenEJB Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) container that provides EJB support in the server. | Geronimo integration of the OpenEJB ejb container. |
openejb-corba-deployer | Geronimo CORBA Deployer |
| Geronimo deployer for corba security configurations for openejb. |
openejb-deployer | OpenEJB Deployer | + | Deploys EJB assets in the server. | Geronimo Deployer for OpenEJB Container. |
openjpa | OpenJPA with dependencies | + | OpenJPA provides the persistence part of EJB 3.0, also known as the Java Persistence API (JPA) | This module provides openjpa together with all its dependencies. |
persistence-jpa10-deployer | Persistence Deployer | + | Deploys persistent assets of an application to the server. | Geronimo Persistence Unit deployer. |
remote-deploy-tomcat | Remote Deploy Tomcat | + | Allows web assets to be deployed to the Tomcat web container from remote hosts. | Geronimo remote deploy upload servlet (Tomcat) |
rmi-naming | RMI Naming | + | Provides basic RMI and Naming services for the server. | Fundamental geronimo services including the plugin installer. |
server-security-config | Server SecurityConfiguration | + |
| Sample security configuration for a demo geronimo server. Not suitable for production use. |
sharedlib | Shared Library | + | Provides shared library support for the server. |
shutdown | Shutdown | Never | Used to run the shutdown command to shutdown the server. Don't start this module! |
system-database | System Database | + | The Apache Derby database used by the system. |
tomcat6 | Tomcat | + | Provides the Tomcat web container for the server. | Geronimo Tomcat web server integration. |
tomcat6-deployer | Tomcat Deployer | + | Deploys web assets to the Tomcat web container. | Geronimo deployer for Tomcat web container. |
transaction | Transaction Manager (JTA11) | + | Provides transaction support for the server. | Geronimo transaction manager module. |
transformer-agent | Transformer Agent |
| Geronimo class transformer registry agent. |
uddi-tomcat | UDDI Tomcat |
webconsole-tomcat | WebConsole Tomcat | + | Provides the Geronimo Administration Console for administering the server. | Geronimo Administration Console for tomcat. |
webservices-common | WebServices Common | + | Base support for web services in the server. | Common classes for all web services provider integrations. |
welcome-tomcat | Welcome app Tomcat | + | Provides the Geronimo Welcome application, the default application available at http://localhost:8080/. It has basic information about Geronimo, with links to documentation and the Administration Console. |
xmlbeans | XMLBeans | + | Provides an XMLBeans service in the server, used by other modules to access XML by binding it to Java types. | Geronimo module that supplies the xmlbeans framework in a single classloader. |
Descriptions from configs/*/pom.xml
These descriptions are from the pom.xml description elements from the server configs directory.
Module | Name | Description |
activemq-broker | ActiveMQ Broker | Apache ActiveMQ integration into geronimo. This module starts an activemq broker embedded in geronimo. |
activemq-ra | ActiveMQ Resource Adapter | Geronimo ActiveMQ integration: ActiveMQ resource adapter connecting to (embedded) activemq broker. |
axis-deployer | Axis Deployer | Web Services Deployer for Geronimo Axis 1 integration |
axis | Axis | Apache Axis 1 integration. |
axis2-deployer | Axis2 Deployer | Geronimo web services deployer for Axis 2 |
axis2-ejb-deployer | Axis2 EJB Deployer | Geronimo JAX-WS EJB deployer for Apache Axis2 |
axis2-ejb | Axis2 EJB | Geronimo Web Services Apache Axis2 EJB integration |
axis2 | Axis2 | Geronimo Web Services Apache Axis2 integration |
ca-helper-jetty | CA Helper app - Jetty | This is a helper application for CA to enable receiving CSR's through and uploading certificates to web browsers. |
ca-helper-tomcat | CA Helper app - Tomcat | This is a helper application for CA to enable receiving CSR's through and uploading certificates to web browsers. |
client-corba-yoko | Corba J2EE Client | |
client-deployer | Application Client Deployments | |
client-security | J2EE Client Security | |
client-system | Client System | |
client-transaction | J2EE Client transaction | |
client | J2EE Client | |
clustering | Clustering | Basic clustering support in use with WADI |
connector-deployer | Connector Deployer | Deployer for J2CA connectors |
cxf-deployer | CXF Deployer | Geronimo JAX-WS deployer for Apache CXF |
cxf-ejb-deployer | CXF EJB Deployer | Geronimo JAX-WS EJB deployer for Apache CXF |
cxf-ejb | CXF EJB | Geronimo Web Services Apache CXF EJB integration |
cxf | CXF | Geronimo Web Services Apache CXF integration |
dojo-jetty6 | Dojo app - Jetty6 | The Dojo AJAX library for Geronimo. This binds to /dojo so that applications needing to add dojo support can simply include a reference to /dojo/dojo.js to enable Dojo support. |
dojo-tomcat | Dojo app - Tomcat | The Dojo AJAX library for Geronimo. This binds to /dojo so that applications needing to add dojo support can simply include a reference to /dojo/dojo.js to enable Dojo support. |
geronimo-gbean-deployer-bootstrap | GBean DeployerBoostrap version | |
geronimo-gbean-deployer | GBean Deployer | |
hot-deployer | Hot Deployer | The hot deployer is a bad substitute for using explicit deploy commands from maven, the command line, or the console. |
j2ee-corba-yoko | J2EE Corba Yoko ORB | Yoko Orb server setup with naming service, protected orb, and unprotected orb. |
j2ee-deployer | J2EE Deployer | Basic JavaEE deployer functionality including the ear deployer. |
j2ee-security | J2EE Security | Basic Geronimo server security infrastructure |
j2ee-server | J2EE Server | Basic geronimo JavaEE support components including the transaction manager and connector framework. |
j2ee-system | J2EE System | Base geronimo server that sets up the kernel. |
jasper-deployer | Jasper Deployer | Deployer for Jasper jsps. Installs injection support components. |
jasper | Jasper | Geronimo Jasper jsp integration including injection support. |
javamail | JavaMail | Geronimo JavaMail support |
jaxws-deployer | JAXWS Deployer | Base configuration for JAX-WS Web services. |
jaxws-ejb-deployer | JAXWS EJB Deployer | Base configuration for JAX-WS EJB Web services. |
jee-specs | JavaEE Specs | The JavaEE spec jars in a single classloader. |
jetty6-clustering-builder-wadi | Jetty 6 :: ClusteringBuilder for WADI | Deployment for WADI clustering on Jetty 6. |
jetty6-clustering-wadi | Jetty 6 Clustering over WADI | WADI clustering for Jetty. |
jetty6-deployer | Jetty Deployer | Geronimo deployer for Jetty 6 Web Server integration. |
jetty6 | Jetty 6 | Geronimo Jetty Web Server integration. |
jsp-examples-jetty | JSP Examples Jetty | The JSP examples originally developed for Tomcat. Can be found via HTTP at /jsp-examples/ after installation. These examples give a basic introduction to JSP development along with sample code. |
jsp-examples-tomcat | JSP Examples Tomcat | The JSP examples originally developed for Tomcat. Can be found via HTTP at /jsp-examples/ after installation. These examples give a basic introduction to JSP development along with sample code. |
jsr88-cli | JSR88 CLI | |
jsr88-deploymentfactory | JSR88 DeploymentFactory | |
jsr88-ear-configurer | JSR88 EAR Configurer | |
jsr88-jar-configurer | JSR88 JAR Configurer | |
jsr88-rar-configurer | JSR88 RAR Configurer | |
jsr88-war-configurer | JSR88 WAR Configurer | |
ldap-demo-jetty | LDAP Demo for Jetty | |
ldap-demo-tomcat | LDAP Demo for Tomcat | |
ldap-realm | LDAP Security Realm | |
mejb | Management EJB (MEJB) | Management EJB for Geronimo |
myfaces-deployer | MyFaces Deployer | |
myfaces | MyFaces | Geronimo MyFaces jsf integration |
offline-deployer | Offline Deployer | Offline deployer |
online-deployer | Online Deployer | Geronimo Online Deployer |
openejb-corba-deployer | Geronimo CORBA Deployer | Geronimo deployer for corba security configurations for openejb. |
openejb-deployer | OpenEJB Deployer | Geronimo Deployer for OpenEJB Container. |
openejb | OpenEJB | Geronimo integration of the OpenEJB ejb container. |
openjpa | OpenJPA with dependencies | This module provides openjpa together with all its dependencies. |
persistence-jpa10-deployer | Persistence Deployer | Geronimo Persistence Unit deployer. |
remote-deploy-jetty | Remote Deploy Jetty | Geronimo remote deploy upload servlet (Jetty) |
remote-deploy-tomcat | Remote Deploy Tomcat | Geronimo remote deploy upload servlet (Tomcat) |
rmi-naming | RMI Naming | Fundamental geronimo services including the plugin installer. |
server-security-config | Server SecurityConfiguration | Sample security configuration for a demo geronimo server. Not suitable for production use. |
servlet-examples-jetty | Servlet Examples for Jetty | |
servlet-examples-tomcat | Servlet Examples for Tomcat | |
sharedlib | Shared Library | |
shutdown | Shutdown | |
system-database | System Database | |
tomcat6-deployer | Tomcat Deployer | Geronimo deployer for Tomcat web container. |
tomcat6 | Tomcat | Geronimo Tomcat web server integration. |
transaction | Transaction Manager (JTA11) | Geronimo transaction manager module. |
transformer-agent | Transformer Agent | Geronimo class transformer registry agent. |
uddi-jetty6 | UDDI Jetty6 | |
uddi-tomcat | UDDI Tomcat | |
unavailable-client-deployer | Unavailable ClientDeployer | |
unavailable-ejb-deployer | Unavailable EJB Deployer | |
unavailable-webservices-deployer | Unavailable WebServices Deployer | |
upgrade-cli | CLI Upgrade | |
upgrade | Plan Upgrade | |
wadi-clustering | Clustering over WADI | Geronimo WADI integration. |
webconsole-jetty6 | Geronimo Admin Console (Jetty) | The web-based administration console for Geronimo. You can reach it via HTTP at /console and use it to configure the Geronimo installation as well as services like JDBC connection pools, JMS resources, security realms, keystores, etc. It provides simple statistics on the running Geronimo server, as well as letting you review and deploy applications and plugins. |
webconsole-tomcat | WebConsole Tomcat | Geronimo Administration Console for tomcat. |
webservices-common | WebServices Common | Common classes for all web services provider integrations. |
welcome-jetty | Welcome app Jetty | |
welcome-tomcat | Welcome app Tomcat | |
xmlbeans | XMLBeans | Geronimo module that supplies the xmlbeans framework in a single classloader. |
Original Manual Table
Module | Started | Description |
activemq-broker | + | The ActiveMQ Message Queueing Service |
activemq-ra | + | Resource Adapter for the ActiveMQ Messaging Service |
axis-deployer | + | The Axis Web Services Deployer |
axis2-deployer | + | The Axis2 Web Services Deployer |
client-deployer | + | Application Client Deployer |
connector-deployer | + | Resource Connector Deployer |
dojo-tomcat | + | Dojo support for DHTML |
geronimo-gbean-deployer | + | GBean Deployer |
hot-deployer | + | |
j2ee-corba-yoko | + | The Yoko ORB that provides CORBA connectivity support for the server. |
j2ee-deployer | + | Deployer for J2EE assets except web assets. |
j2ee-security | + | Server security support, including security realms for the administration console. |
j2ee-server | + | Basic J2EE server support, including GBeans that start a web container, an EJB container, and a J2EE connector service |
j2ee-system | + | Contains basic services, like logging and configuration store. The first module to start during server startup, it serves as the parent mdoule (directly or indirectly) for all other modules. |
jasper | + | Provides Jasper Report services. |
jasper-deployer | + | Deploys Jasper Report assets into the server. |
javamail | + | Provides JavaMail support in the server, including SMTP. |
jaxws-deployer | + | Deploys JAX-WS web service assets in the server. |
jee-specs | + | |
jsr88-rar-configurer | + | |
myfaces | + | Provides Java Server Faces (JSF) support for the server. |
myfaces-deployer | + | Deploys Java Server Faces (JSF) assets to the server. |
openejb | + | The OpenEJB Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) container that provides EJB support in the server. |
openejb-deployer | + | Deploys EJB assets in the server. |
openjpa | + | OpenJPA provides the persistence part of EJB 3.0, also known as the Java Persistence API (JPA) |
persistence-jpa10-deployer | + | Deploys persistent assets of an application to the server. |
remote-deploy-tomcat | + | Allows web assets to be deployed to the Tomcat web container from remote hosts. |
rmi-naming | + | Provides basic RMI and Naming services for the server. |
server-security-config | + | |
sharedlib | + | Provides shared library support for the server. |
system-database | + | The Apache Derby database used by the system. |
tomcat6 | + | Provides the Tomcat web container for the server. |
tomcat6-deployer | + | Deploys web assets to the Tomcat web container. |
transaction | + | Provides transaction support for the server. |
webconsole-tomcat | + | Provides the Geronimo Administration Console for administering the server. |
webservices-common | + | Base support for web services in the server. |
welcome-tomcat | + | Provides the Geronimo Welcome application, the default application available at http://localhost:8080/. It has basic information about Geronimo, with links to documentation and the Administration Console. |
xmlbeans | + | Provides an XMLBeans service in the server, used by other modules to access XML by binding it to Java types. |
axis |
| The Axis web services provider in the saever. |
axis2 |
| The Axis2 web services engine. |
ca-helper-tomcat |
| |
client | Never | Used by the server to support the application client. Don't start this module! |
client-corba-yoko | Never | Used by the server to provide CORBA connectivity support for the application client. Don't start this module! |
client-security | Never | Used by the server to provide security support for the application client. Don't start this module! |
client-system | Never | Used by the server to provide basic application client support. Don't start this module! |
client-transaction | Never | Used by the server to provide transaction support for the application client. Don't start this module! |
cxf |
| The CXF web services container. Typically, either Axis or CXF is used in the server to provide web services support, so only one of them is started. |
cxf-deployer |
| The CXF deployer of web services assets in the server. |
jsr88-cli |
| Enables JSR-88 deployment from a command line. |
jsr88-deploymentfactory |
| Enables JSR-88 deployment. |
jsr88-ear-configurer |
| Allows EAR deployment via JSR-88. |
jsr88-jar-configurer |
| Allows JAR deployment via JSR-88. |
jsr88-war-configurer |
| Allows WAR deployment via JSR-88. |
offline-deployer | Never | Used to deploy assets to the server when the server is not running. |
online-deployer | ||
openejb-corba-deployer | ||
shutdown | Never | Used to run the shutdown command to shutdown the server. Don't start this module! |
transformer-agent | ||
uddi-tomcat |