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  1. Geronimo must be downloaded and installed. For instructions please see the Geronimo web site. In the Geronimo release of geronimo-1.0-M5 or greater, Tomcat is integrated with Geronimo. By default, Tomcat uses port 8080. This information will be used later.
  2. Download the ServiceMix source code. Please see the Getting Started guide for instructions.
  3. Create the WAR file:
    Code Block
    cd [servicemix_install_dir]\tooling\servicemix-web
    maven war
    where servicemix_install_dir is the directory in which ServiceMix was downloaded and installed.
  4. To deploy the ServiceMix WAR file , servicemix-web.war, copy it to the Tomcat webapps directory. For example, on a Windows systemon Geronimo, use the Geronimo deployer.jar tool found in the bin directory of the Geronimo base directory.
    From a command shell:
    Code Block
    cd [geronimo_install_dir]
    java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager deploy [servicemix-2.0.x_install_dir]\tooling\servicemix-web\target
    copy \servicemix-web.war [tomcat_install_dir]\webapps
    where tomcat_install_dir is the directory in which Tomcat was installed.
    To deploy the ServiceMix WAR file on Geronimo, use the Geronimo deployer.jar tool found in the bin directory of the Geronimo base directory.

    The output in the Tomcat console window should show ServiceMix starting. Output will be similar to the following:
    Code Block
    INFO: Deploying web application archive servicemix-web.war
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:54 AM org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext
    INFO: Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:54 AM org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader loadBeanDefinitions
    INFO: Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM org.springframework.core.CollectionFactory <clinit>
    INFO: JDK 1.4+ collections available
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM org.springframework.core.CollectionFactory <clinit>
    INFO: Commons Collections 3.x available
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM refreshBeanFactory
    INFO: Bean factory for application context [Root WebApplicationContext]: defining beans [jencks,broker,transactionManager,jmsFactory,jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM refresh
    INFO: 5 beans defined in application context [Root WebApplicationContext]
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM initMessageSource
    INFO: Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default []
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM initApplicationEventMulticaster
    INFO: Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster': using default [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@14a7a12]
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM initThemeSource
    INFO: No ThemeSource found for [Root WebApplicationContext]: using ResourceBundleThemeSource
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM preInstantiateSingletons
    INFO: Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [ defining beans [jencks,broker,transactionManager,jmsFactory,jbi]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy]
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:55 AM getBean
    INFO: Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'jencks'
    Nov 1, 2005 11:03:56 AM getBean
    INFO: Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'broker'
    NOTE: The console output is also logged in tomcat_home_dir\logs\catalina.xxxx-xx-xx.log.
