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  1. ServiceMix should be running first. Please see the #Getting Started Guide for instructions on running ServiceMix.
  2. Click on the MC4J executable MC4J Console 1.2b9.exe (for Windows) to start MC4J. The executable can be found in the top-level directory of the MC4J installation. The MC4J window will appear.
  3. Select "Management>Create Server Connection..." from the menu. This will start "My Wizard". That is where the connection to ServiceMix can be added.

    titleJConsole Agent

  4. Enter the following into the text boxes/pull-down menus:
    Select your server connection type: JSR160
    Name: This can any name, for example, ServiceMix
    Server URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/defaultJBIJMX
    The Server URL is service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://hostname:port/app_to_monitor. Where the hostname is name of the host on which the application to be monitored is running, the port is the port number to connect to the application, and the app_to_monitor is the JMX enabled application to monitor. For example, if none of the defaults for ServiceMix have been modified and ServiceMix is running on localhost, enter the following: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/defaultJBIJMX.
  5. Take the defaults for the rest of the fields in the Wizard.
  6. Click "Next."
  7. Click "Finish." " in the next window.
    A connection to ServiceMix has been added to MC4J!

    titleMC4J Connections

Testing MC4J with ServiceMix

  1. To see MC4J in action, start one of the ServiceMix examples running, for instance, the file binding Example:
    Code Block
    cd [servicemix_install_dir]\examples\file-binding
    ..\..\bin\servicemix servicemix.xml
    where servicemix_install_dir is the directory in which ServiceMix was installed.
  2. Run MC4J(see previous section) and click on org.servicemix.
  3. Click on org.servicemix.jbi.framework.ComponentMBeanImpl. The components of the Basic example will be shown. Clicking on any of them will show the monitoring information available.

    titleMC4J Console

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titleMC4J - JMX Console view 2
