For example, in the GUI we would like to have a storage provider field for the CO and DO windows (this equates to the name of one and only one storage provider). If the admin inputs a specific storage provider, he can enter in an arbitrary number of key/value pairs in another text field (perhaps we would provide a nice entry dialog to make this easier in the GUI). These key value pairs can be passed into the storage driver when it's asked to create (or update) a volume and the storage driver can decide what each and every key/value pair means, if anything.Reference
JIRA-xxxx: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-xxxx
The GUI will likely provide a helper dialog to list all applicable properties for a given storage plug-in as well as performing basic verification of input based on the type the property is (ex. Integer).
We will need to add two columns to the cloud.disk_offering table: provider and custom_properties.
The provider value should match one of the provider values in the storage_pool table.
The custom_properties value should be of the following format: key_1=value_1;key_2=value_2;key_3=value_3...key_n=value_n