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Wiki Markup
|| Name || Default Value || Description ||
| {{maximumRequestsPerPeriod}} | | Maximum number of requests per period to throttle. This option must be provided as a positive number. Notice, in the XML DSL, from *Camel 2.8* onwards this option is configured using an [Expression] instead of an attribute. |
| {{timePeriodMillis}} | {{1000}} | The time period in milliseconds, in which the throttler will allow at most {{maximumRequestsPerPeriod}} number of messages. |
| {{asyncDelayed}} | {{false}} | *Camel 2.4:* If enabled then any messages which is delayed happens asynchronously using a scheduled thread pool. |
| {{executorServiceRef}} | |  *Camel 2.4:* Refers to a custom [Thread Pool|Threading Model] to be used if {{asyncDelay}} has been enabled. |
| {{callerRunsWhenRejected}} | {{true}} | *Camel 2.4:* Is used if {{asyncDelayed}} was enabled. This controls if the caller thread should execute the task if the thread pool rejected the task. |
| {{rejectExectionrejectExecution}} | {{false}} | *Camel 2.14:* If this option is true, throttler throws the RejectExecutionException when the request rate exceeds the limit. |
